Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: I really have to thank everyone who insisted I continue with this story. You guys just don't know how much it's appreciated. It'll probably be a while before I revise everything, but....


The sky was thick with clouds of gray; relieving its full belly on Earth's surface and cleansing the ground below it . Peace and chaos all circulated into one as the storm enveloped all living things around it. A force so natural that nothing could stop it but itself. It was frightening.

"Eva, please release my arm," Palo grumbled in annoyance.

Eva, whose eyes had yet to leave the window she'd been glued to for the past hour, meekly shook her head in reply.

How Palo could be calm while their plane rattled through the storm was beyond her comprehension and abilities. The moment their plane was introduced into turbulence her anxiety spiked.

Perhaps she was being dramatic about the storm, that was plausible, but being as she'd never been in a plane before this surely wasn't how she'd expected the experience to occur.

"Try going to sleep maybe?" Palo suggested earnestly. The circulation in his arm had been cut long ago and he was starting to lose feeling in his finger tips. He was slightly amused by Eva's anxiety as the storm they were traveling through was quite light and soon they'd be out of it. This wasn't his first affair with traveling on a plane, in fact he made the trip back and forth to Italy often in his private jet.

Eva ignored him, intent on watching the storm play out. Every time the plane shook she'd grip his arm a little bit tighter, but eventually the grip began to wean off with the storm.

"Sorry." She said with a sigh, only releasing his arm because she could see the clouds become thinner and lighter as the plane continued its trek.

Palo flexed his fingers in relief as he watched the blood return to his finger tips.

Eva leaned back into her seat closing her eyes as she thought deeply about how Palo's family would receive her. She wondered if they were all like Palo and Andino. Calculated, closed off, aggressive, dominating....

Eva groaned out loud as she lifted herself up to look Palo square in his eyes, "I don't think I can do this."

Palo arched an eyebrow at her, "The plane ride? You're already doing it..."

"Not the damn plane. Meeting your family, why do they need to meet me again? They only need to meet peanut once he's here..."

Palo quickly cut her off , his eyes narrowed and jaw tightened, " You don't understand- "

"Obviously" she retorted with a snort.

He ignored her, " My family... we're very influential people both in the states and in our own country. We stick together and protect one another because, if I'm to be quite frank, there are plenty of people out there who'd want to tear everything we've built down. Whether that be because of past issues or because of the power we hold."

Eva was shocked at how honest Palo was being when usually he'd never admit anything about his family, sure he didn't have much choice being that she'd now be meeting them, but even so his openness softened her ...a little. But there were a million questions running through her head and the most outstanding was brimming on the tips of her lips.

As though sensing her rising concern Palo continued, "Eva , I never actually wanted to have you become a part of anything my family is involved in or a target of the consequences of our actions - "

"Just who are you guys supposed to be exactly?" She asked cutting off the apology he tried to administer to quell her concern.

"We run a very big organization."

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