Chapter Fourteen

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Sometimes, Seraiah questioned if she would truly go as far as she said she would for Sterling. Now was one of those moments.

But it was originally your idea, she reminded herself as she paused to take in her surroundings.

No, she couldn't give up now. Sterling would surely put herself in harm's way to protect her if their situations were reversed.

The underbrush was thick here. If anything approached, it would have to get through the bushes, and she would hear it. There were plenty of trees, but not too many that it made fighting with a sword difficult.

This was as good a place as any, she decided.

Silently, she counted to ten, giving Kestrel and Kai a chance to get into place.

While she counted, Seraiah studied the trees around her, turning slowly in a circle. She knew the two elves were there with her, but she couldn't detect them.


If she couldn't find them, then hopefully the creature wouldn't know they were there either until it was too late.

Kai had decided since her weapon skills were so abysmal, she would act as bait, drawing the creature to her. It was more likely to seek her out if it thought she was alone. A single person was easier prey than a group. It also didn't hurt that she was small and harmless looking—an easy target.

If they were lucky, it would go for Seraiah, rather than pursue Sterling and her kidnappers. While she liked the thought of the creature tearing her sister's kidnappers limb from limb, she didn't want it to do the same to Sterling.

Reaching ten, Seraiah stopped turning and sucked in a deep breath of cold air.

Then she screamed, long and loud.

It was the fastest way she could think of to draw attention to herself. A nice big 'here I am, come and get me' to anything lurking within hearing distance. If Sterling and her kidnappers were nearby, it would also act as a warning. They would hear it and avoid the area.

After her scream faded away, the forest sounds returned to normal again. Business as usual.

And she waited.

Seraiah rubbed her sweaty palms on her dress, her eyes darting around.

Would it come? Was this going to work?

She fidgeted nervously.

A few more seconds ticked by. Birds chirped in the branches above her.

This was a terrible idea.

What if she got them all killed? Who would save Sterling then?

Seraiah shifted uneasily, looking back over her shoulder, alert for any signs of movement. Something crunched in the bushes to her left.

Whipping around, she faced the wiggling bush, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest.

A moment later, a small brown hare appeared, pausing to eye her before scampering off again.

Her body sagged with relief. It was only a rabbit, nothing to fear.

Her heart was just returning to its normal speed when she noticed the silence. The birds were no longer chirping, and not even the wind disturbed the trees.

It was unnatural.

The sound of her ragged breathing filled her ears. Something was out there watching her, and the forest knew it. It was like it was holding its breath, trying not to draw attention to itself.

The Lost Queen (Book 1 of The Lost Queen Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz