2; New years goes cray cray!

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Camillas POV

I danced to the music as I watched the city down below.
"If it's not your love?"
-Ohhh baby love! I hear Nico sing. He flies to me and spins me around in the air. I let out a happy squeal as Nico spins me in the air.
We dance to the music together as Nico suddenly shouts:
-Take it away Blu!
-What's a song when you can't hear it too? Blu sings awkwardly, and everyone cheers at him.

Suddenly, Jewel and Blu leaves.
-What was that about? I ask. Nico shrugs. I leave Nico's arms, and fly to Raffi and Eva.
-Raffi, where's jewel and Blu? I ask.
-Oh, they went to check on the kids! Raffi says.
-But don't worry, they're safe! Raffi reassures
-Well, they're gonna miss the fireworks if they don't get here in 2 minutes! I say.
-Ay, Camilla, they'll be fine! Now c'mon, let's dance in this new year! Pedro waves me over and I shake my head and smile. I fly up to them.
-I wanna know why they left! I defend myself laughing. Nico shakes his head and smiles.
-You're a strange bird Camilla, he says and I look at him.
-Maybe. But you know you love me, I say. Nico grabs my wing and we start dancing again.
-Of course I do. Who doesn't? Nico says and I laugh as he dips me and kisses me.
-Hey guys! It's just 15 seconds left of this year! Pedro says. Me and Nico pull away from each other and look expectantly up at the sky.
Nico looks back at me.
-What? Do I have something on my cara?(face?), I ask.
-Just a pair of the most beautiful eyes I've ever laid my eyes on, Nico flirts and I roll my eyes playfully.
-You're so cheesy, I say.
-But you know you love me, Nico says as everyone begins counting down from three.
-Of course I do. Who doesn't? I copy as we lean in again, to kiss in this new year, but suddenly I hear screaming. I look up to the sky and watch the fireworks go off.
-Hey, isn't that Blu? Pedro asks and points to the falling bird.
-Yes. Yes it is, Nico says annoyed.
-Ese pàjaro se va a matar un día (that bird is going to kill himself one day), I say and shake my head.
-Well... what a way to start a year, Pedro says. Nico stand me up and kisses my cheek.
-It sure was, I say and look between the two.
-And I wouldn't want it to start any other way than to spend it with my best friends, I say and Nico makes an exaggerated gasp.
-Friend? You friend zoned me! He say and turns to Pedro.
-She friend zoned me! Nico says fake hurt.
-Take it easy Amaraillo, you know what I meant, I say and he smirks.
-Of course, mi amor, he says and kisses me.

-Hey guys! It's getting late, so me and Eva are heading home! Raffi says from above us.
-Bye Raffi! I wave them off as they leave. And it's understandable, it was almost 2 am at this point.
-What about you Camilla? Do you think you can last all night? Nico challenges.
-Try me, I say and we continue to dance.

The sun is beginning to show itself over the horizon. Everyone has left and it's only us three left. Nico smiles tiredly at me.
-You ready to leave? I ask Nico and Pedro.
Nico yawns and Pedro nods.
-C'mon, lets go, I say and we fly towards the jungle. I see many birds cuddle further into their homes as the suns rays start creeping through the leaves on the trees. It's very quiet and calm around us. I arrive at home and land in my nest. I turn around to the others.
-Goodnight guys. I'll see you later today, I say and they chuckle.
-We sure will. Sneaking breakfast at Blu's later? Nico asks and I giggle.
-Don't we always? I ask.
-Alright... Goodnight Camilla, see ya later alligator, Pedro says as they begin flying away.
-In a while crocodile, I smile to myself as I lay down to sleep.

Alright guys, pretty different from before, but it's new! It's new! And please read the first Fly love book, if there's something you feel that you missed! And as always, see you later!

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