6; "Is that what a real Macaw is supposed to look like?"

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Camilla POV;

-We've missed you, Jewel speaks for the both of us.
-It's ok now, dad says.
-Daddy's got you now, he says and pulls away. He grabs our wings in his.
-Look at you two. My two little girls, all grown up, he says chocked on tears. I let out a sniffly laugh.
-You're so beautiful... just like your mother, he says and dries my tears.
-I'm so sorry I lost you. I-I can't imagine you being all alone, he says with tears forming in his eyes, looking away in shame.
-It's ok dad, I wasn't alone, I always had Camilla... And then later on, Blu found us, Jewel says and I step away to show the slightly awkward male macaw. Blu gets nudges forward by Rafael.
-Sure is nice to meet you sir, Blu says and holds his wing out to shake. Dad just looks at him.
-Tuck that wing away Stu. Come closer, dad says.
-Really? Ok, Blu says and takes a small step closer.
-Closer, dad says and Blu cowers more and more the closer he gets.
-You brought my daughters back to me, for that I thank you, dad says.
-Oh Heh, Blu says.
-I'm going to hug you know, dad says. They go on to do a weird dance not knowing who's wings went where and so on and so forth. At last my father goes on to grab Blu and hug him.

Then I hear sniffling. I look over dads shoulder to see Nico crying. I smile at him.
-Yo Nico, are you crying? Pedro asks.
-It's a heavy moment and I am very vulnerable right now, Nico says and Pedro goes on to hug him and start crying too. I giggle and walk up to them.
-Come here muchachos, I say and I give them a big hug as they sob, making me start crying again.
-Mom, are you and tía ok? Bia asks. I turn to her to answer but my dad reacted first.
-Mom? Tía? He asks.
-I'm a grandpa? Haha I'm a grandpa! He says.
-Dad, this is Bia, Carla and Diago, Jewel introduces.
-Nice to meet you sir! Carla answers in a formerly manner.
-Sir? Oh no no you will not call me sir, for you three it's pop pop! Dad says and the kids jump him and they immediately start playing, making me laugh and sniffle.
-Hey kids, go easy on your old pop pop, Blu says and Dad stops in his tracks.
-For you it's sir, he says and Blu cowers a bit. The guys are still crying.
-Oh come on, am I going to have to cry forever? I say as the waterworks start again.
-You know how emotional I get with family stuff babe, Nico sniffles.
-Babe? Who, what? Dad asks as he drops the kids.
-Dad, this is Nico, my boyfriend and Pedro, my best friend, I introduce.
-Hello sir, Nico stops crying and talks in a stoic voice, making me almost laugh at him.
-Hello Nick, my dad says.
-Dad it's Nico, I correct.
-Ah sorry, must've heard it wrong, dad apologizes. He then grabs me and Jewel.
-My daughters are home! He announces and immediately wants to show us around.

-Hey Camilla, don't you think that was a little weird? Nico asks as he flies up to me.
-What do you mean? I ask.
-Well you introduced me and told him my name and he still got it wrong, Nico says.
-Well, he's old his hearing isn't what it used to be, I excuse.
-Oh alright, he says understandingly.
-Listen up everyone! My daughters are home! Dad shouts out.
-Camilla! Jewel! I hear a familiar voice shout.
-Aunt Mimi! Me and Jewel turn around only to be tackle hugged by our aunt.
-I knew you'd be back! I read it in a bird poo, she says. She always had the nicks for strange stuff.
-Mimi, meet my kids, Jewel says.
-Oh! Little birds! They're so cute I could just eat them up! Aunt Mimi says and runs towards the kids. They fly away in fear of strangers and Mimi grabs Blu's face instead.
-Oh, you're pretty big for you age, Mimi says, and that makes me laugh. Nico looks at me and I look back.
-What? I ask and he just shrugs with a big smile on his face.
-Mimi, this is my Husband, Jewel says and I am still giggling to bits.
-His name is Stu, dad says it wrong again.
-It's actually Blu, Blu says.
-Yeah, where all blue birds here, Mimi says and giggles.
-No, that's my name, says Blu, feeling a little neglected.

-Ah aha aaahh! We hear singing coming from over us.
-Ooooo, ooooooo, a curtain of flowers opens and there stands a very familiar bird. Roberto.
I look at him in awe. It's really been too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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