Chapter Twenty-Nine - New Arrivals

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The week passes like a blur. Magic and dancing lessons become more frequent, and Mark finds himself hanging around in Seán's office even when there isn't a lesson to be had. Mark tries to talk about cheerful things, but the closer they get to the day of the ball, the harder it gets for him to ignore the nervousness welling in his chest.

Mark lounges on one of the chairs in Seán's office, staring at the ceiling and toying with his sleeves. The king sits at his desk nearby, pouring over plans and arrangements.

"Seán?" Mark asks, twisting a bit to glance in the royal's direction.

"What is it, Mark?"

"I'm scared."

Seán's eyebrows furrow slightly. "Why?"

"Just... all these royals are arriving soon, and I'm worried that they're going to hate me," Mark replies. He sighs heavily, turning his face back towards the ceiling. "I'm not even a legitimate king. I have never been crowned. And what if I screw up the dances and make a fool of myself? What if I put on the outfit I was given and suddenly it doesn't fit and I look ridiculous!?" He throws his hands in the air and groans. "I'm just scared. That's all."

"Everything will be fine, Mark. Trust me." Seán's chair squeaks, and after a few moments the king kneels down next to his chair. Mark glances over, his breath catching in his throat when he sees those blue eyes. "I'll be right beside you the whole time. And, if you forget the steps, I'll lead you."

Mark nods, his eyes burning into Seán's. "Okay."

"And your outfit will fit. Why is that even a concern of yours?"

"My mind likes thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong."

"You have a silly mind."

Mark grins. "I've heard that before."

A knock sounds on the door and immediately, both men have bolted to their feet. Seán glances over at Mark and chuckles a little, smoothing his vest and flattening a ruffle in his hair. The farmer blushes profusely and stares at the king, who ignores him as he turns back to the door.

"Come in."

A guard pushes open the door and bows to the two royals. He keeps his gaze on Seán as he straightens up. "Your majesty, Kings Daniel and Philip of the Divum kingdom have arrived."

Seán glances at Mark and motions for him to follow, the two royals tailing after the guard. The farmer glances at the king nervously, and, after making sure that nobody can see them, Seán squeezes his hand reassuringly. As soon as he lets his hand drop his emotionless mask falls and hides everything, making Mark want to scream.

They reach the front doors of the castle, where the kings of the Divum kingdom stand. They glance around curiously, and Mark notices that their outfits are of the same elegance as Seán's, although the colour scheme is different. The taller brunet wears almost all black with a silver crown, while the slightly shorter king wears pale blue with a golden crown.

"Welcome, King Daniel and King Phillip," Seán greets, shaking their hands as he says their names. Mark stands back slightly, every part of him wanting to shrink away. Seán gestures to him, and he has to stop himself from frantically shaking his head 'no'. "This is Prince Mark of the Rubellus kingdom."

"Good to see you again, King Seán," Dan greets, shaking the king's hand.

"Prince of Rubellus?!" Phil exclaims, his blue eyes bright as he turns to Mark. "Are you really one of the lost princes?"

"Yes," Mark replies, shaking his hand and smiling nervously.

"And the last," Seán murmurs.

Phil's face falls. "My condolences."

Mark shrugs a little.  "It's alright."

"How was the trip?" Seán asks, changing the subject smoothly.

Phil grins. "It was lovely, although slightly cramped. I always love seeing the countryside from the carriage windows."

Dan smiles lightly, touching his hand to the small of Phil's back gently. "It was very long. I think some rest would be much appreciated."

"Of course." Seán makes a motion with his hand and one of the servants approaches. "She will take you to your room and retrieve anything that you are lacking."

"Thank you." Dan inclines his head to Mark. "It was very nice to finally meet you. I hope we talk more at the ball tomorrow."

The farmer nods a few times and Dan smiles, waving a little before following the servant girl. He guides Phil with a hand on his back, and Mark watches until they disappear around a corner.

"British kingdom?" Mark asks, glancing at Seán. "They seem nice."

The king nods and motions for the farmer to follow him. "See? There is nothing to worry about. Now come along, we may have a bit of time before the next kingdom arrives."

One by one, the royals from many different kingdoms arrive. After Dan and Phil comes King Arin, his queen, Suzy, and King Danny of Aliquam, as well as King Ken and Queen Mary of Terra. Mark's jaw drops when he sees Queen Marzia of Aequor trailed by Felix, who grins cheekily at him.

"You're a royal?!" Mark exclaims.

"Nope, just married to a queen. You ARE a royal, however," Felix replies. He nudges the farmer and grins even wider. "And you snagged a king! You are doing really well for yourself."

Mark slugs him across the arm, causing the viking to laugh.

Several more kingdoms arrive, and by the time the final royals are ushered to their rooms, Mark is nearly falling asleep. Seán guides him up to his room and starts a fire in the hearth while the farmer collapses into bed.

"You have a long day tomorrow," Seán states, looking back at Mark. "Get some rest."

Mark mumbles an incoherent response and burrows himself deeper under the covers. Seán smiles at him before leaving the room and quietly closing the door behind him. 

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