Chapter Fifty-Six - A Fairy Tale Ending

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Mark's mother had always told him that you don't need blood relatives to have a family. For the longest time, he couldn't understand what she meant. As a simple farm boy, he believed that the edges of the world were his parents, his brother, and the farm. Mark expected to spend his life planting crops with a peasant girl that his parents married him off to.

However, life doesn't exactly go with expectations. Mark never thought he'd fall in love with the king or reclaim a kingdom he didn't know he had.  He never thought he would have powerful magic that looks like flame and glitter flowing through his veins.  He could never have imagined being kidnapped and tortured, only to be saved by the very man he would marry.

Mark glances towards the window of his office, the glass spattered with falling spring showers. This doesn't feel like a day where he should be working. He feels like he should be cuddled up by a fire with Seán.

Shoving his work aside, he stands and moves through the halls towards their living room. There, Seán sits on the couch with Evelyn on his lap, telling her a story in his lovely Irish accent. Mark smiles and strolls over, settling on the couch and snuggling up next to the king.

"You're going to give her an Irish accent," he teases, nuzzling his face into Seán's neck.

"You're going to give her an American accent," Seán teases right back, turning his head in order to press a kiss to Mark's forehead. "Gave up on working?"

"Yeah. I figured a fire was much nicer than work on a day like this," Mark replies.

"I agree. Now, hush so I can finish my story."

The king of Rubellus catches Seán's lips in a kiss before leaning against his shoulder and letting him finish his tale. The Irishman runs one hand through Mark's hair while keeping the other around Evelyn, who fiddles with the buttons on his shirt.

"And the big, brave girl slew the dragon, and all the people rejoiced because she was their hero. She took the throne and was the kindest, most gentle queen that had ever ruled." Seán glances down at the girl in his lap, who slowly falls asleep with her tiny fist resting against his stomach, and chuckles softly. "The end."

Mark snakes his hand around Seán's waist, smiling at their daughter before kissing his husband's cheek. "Who would have thought, huh? That we'd end up adopting a girl that looked like a mixture of both of us." To be totally honest, Mark never thought Seán would be so quick to agree to adoption. He thought he'd have to convince him, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Our life is a big, crazy twist of fate," Seán replies. He shifts slightly so that he can cuddle against Mark and hold Evelyn in his lap at the same time, a long, contented sigh escaping him. "I would never want anything else."

"Me too." Mark leans over, pressing kiss after kiss to Seán's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," Seán murmurs in response. "Through the highs and the lows..."

"Through the best and the worst," Mark whispers without missing a beat.

"I'll be your support..."

"And I'll be your rock."

The fire crackles merrily, mixing with the sound of rain pattering against the glass. Despite everything they've gone through, they have faith they're better off together. As long as they have each other at their side, they'll get through anything.

Mark leans over, pressing a gentle kiss to Evelyn's head before leaning back against Seán. This is the family his mother told him about. Seán, his adoring husband, and Evelyn, the daughter he'll grow and nurture and love unconditionally. No matter what happens, he'll always have them.

Mark never thought he'd get a fairy tale ending, but life and fate work in mysterious ways, it seems.

And so, Mark's perfect little family lives happily ever after.

The End 

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