the accident

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It was just a normal day the sun was shinning and the birds were chirping happily and inside one house Tim Templeton and his family were sitting down eating breakfast "hey mom dad when me and Theodore get done eating breakfast can we go outside to play?" Tim asked his parents "yes Tim you too can play outside when you're done eating" his parents said Tim cheered as Theodore cooed happily when they finished eating Tim grabbed his little brother and ran outside in their backyard "remember to watch your little brother Tim!" His mom yelled out to him as he ran off Carrying his little brother "Ok I will!" He yelled back they spend the the morning playing with each other until their parents called them back inside to rest "Ok coming mom and dad!" "Come on Theodore let's go inside" Tim told his younger brother "Ok Tim I'm ready for my nap" Theodore said as he yawned. Tim was standing on a box that he somehow got it on the trampoline he decided to jump off of it that was a big mistake because when he jumped of the box he made Theodore fall off of the trampoline And crashed on the ground with really hard force making Theodore hit his head on the bottom of a tree hard. Tim gasped and ran over to his hurt little brother "Theodore!" Tim yelled as he kneeled down by his little brother "are you Ok!?" Tim asked his brother to which he weakly shook his head no. Tim reached behind his hurt brother's head and felt a big bump but what scared both him and Theodore is that when Tim pulled back his hand it had a large amount of blood on it. Theodore started to feel really dizzy the last thing he heard was Tim yelling for their parents then everything went black.

I hope you guys liked this story and please check out my new story on wattpad's new app tap it's called 'the famous life' and add me on that app too well I guess that's it bye I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!☺🌈

P.s in this story when their parents are around them or just him he will act like a normal baby but when he's with Tim and his infant friends he will talk normally and this story takes place a few months after (or before) the movie ended.

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