waking up in the hospital

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Theodore moaned as he started to wake up he heard a beeping sound and opened his eyes to see only three blurry figures standing over him his head had cleared up and he felt a pounding feel in his head.

His vision finally cleared up to see his family standing over him he started to whine because his head was hurting him "oh it's OK Theodore you want mommy to get you some medicine so you're head can stop hurting"? Janice asked than they turned to Tim " Ok Tim you watch your brother while we're going to look for the doctors Ok"? Ted told Tim "Ok mom and dad I'll look after him for you guys" Tim said happy that his little brother was awake in pain yeah but he was awake and alive.

"Ok Tim we'll be right back" they told him than they left Tim had went by his brother's bedside "hey Theodore are you Ok?" He asked "no my head hurts really bad what happened?" Theodore asked.

Tim sighed and started to tell him what happened "well right after you had blacked out I had called mom and dad and told them what happened than they wrapped up your head with some paper towels than we took you to the hospital." Tim said.

"Oh how long was I out?" Theodore asked "you were unconscious for 3 hours" Tim replied there was a moment of silence for a while before Tim cleared his throat catching Theodore's attention "so I'm sorry that I hurt you" Tim apologized.

"Oh don't worry about it I'll be Ok" Theodore said than it was quiet for a moment before Theodore had spoke up again "so did you get in trouble?" Theodore asked.

"Yeah i did I'm grounded for 2 weeks" Tim replied sadly than they looked up when they saw their parents and a doctor come in the doctor checked him over and told them that he's going to be Ok and that he can get out of the hospital tomorrow morning.

Both Tim and Theodore was really happy with that news when the doctor left Theodore had felt tired "go to sleep sweetie tomorrow you get to go home" he heard his mom said to him.

The last thing he heard was Tim saying "I love you little brother" than he fell asleep.

Hey guys I hope you guys like this chapter and the next chapter will be out soon if I can get as much votes and comments like I did last chapter and I go back to school on Tuesday so I probably have plenty of time to finish this story and I'm also thinking about writing a story about the 2017 version of beauty and the beast if any beauty and the beast fans are interested anyway that's all I have to say bye!!!☺🌈

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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