New Nymph

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You yell at me
Like there's no tomorrow.
Subjected me to scrutiny.
Adding much sorrow.

Why speak ill of me
And defend her to my face?
Why am I the villain,
And her, the nymph with grace?

What's so wrong with me
That you trade me so easily?
I don't have pretty dresses, I know.
But I could still love you so.

You fight with me
So you could run to her.
Pretend you need consoling
When it's her warmth you're craving.

Don't make me an excuse
To cling to your new muse.
If I no longer amuse,
Our vows are of no use.

Set me free and let me be
If we are no more...
If you couldn't see past my foibles,
And save what we were before.

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