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Heidi didn't run off as she watched Ereshkigal come towards her; she wasn't scared anymore, she was just confused as to what was really happening. She knew who Ereshkigal was; she read about her when she was researching about her power all those weeks ago, although it now felt like a lifetime ago.

Ereshkigal was the queen of hell, goddess of death itself, the spectre of darkness... whatever you wanted to call her – she was bad news and would easily give the Devil himself a run for his money in terms of being evil.

Leaning against a tree, Heidi licked her lips and sucked in a breath. "You're the queen of hell; you could have anyone in the world... why do you want me?"

Ereshkigal almost laughed as she twirled a slither of black smoke around her fingertips. "Heidi, darling, I have been with you since the day you were born... your power of death was from me."

Heidi frowned, stepping away from the tree to walk in a semi-circle around Ereshkigal, knowing her eyes were following. "But why?"

"It is your destiny to come with me and serve at my feet; all the others have fallen but you are by far the most promising."

"There are others?"

"Of course, I needed a back-up plan if one failed; I really have thought these things through."

"If this was my destiny, why did you wait so long to do this?"

"I needed to make sure that you were ready, the last hopefuls turned out to be completely useless." Ereshkigal almost seemed frustrated when saying that, her eyes rolling as she stopped playing with the black smog that surrounded her.

Heidi didn't know how to react; a part of her was relieved to know that she wasn't the only one to see Ereshkigal, but another part was still terrified of the entire situation. Plucking up all the courage she had, Heidi spoke up. "If I go with you; what do I get?"

It seemed as if Ereshkigal sensed Heidi's fear because she took a step towards the teen and placed a freezing hand over hers. "Whatever your heart desires, Heidi, anything and everything you have ever wanted will be yours. You will be connected to thousands of years of history; queens, commanders, warriors have all taken this vow and joined my side, now it's your turn."

The offer did sound tempting; she would finally have a place where she belonged rather than constantly feel as if she was an outsider but there had to be a catch, there always was. Sure, she'd have people who would want her around but she would probably never see Paul again if she went with Ereshkigal. Heidi knew how dangerous she was and she wasn't sure if she truly wanted it.

Ereshkigal noticed the silence between the pair after Heidi didn't answer so she continued to speak as if the silence hadn't happened. "Come, fulfil your destiny, child."

"What if I refuse?" Heidi asked as eyebrows fused together, licking her lips.

"Then I'll do it by force."

Anger began to rise within Heidi at her comment; if Ereshkigal was going to take her choice by force, then of course Heidi would fight back – she'd been through far too much to just accept her fate. "Do your worst, bitch," she spat.

"Very well, have it your way." Ereshkigal smirked darkly, black smoke surrounding the pair and swirled around Heidi.

The black smoke rose higher, covering the sunlight above Heidi's head and leaving her in the darkness with Ereshkigal in front of her, slowly walking towards her like a cat stalking its prey, waiting for any movements to signal a weakness then she would go in for the kill.

The anger Heidi felt disappeared and she was filled with fear once again; fearing her death at the hands of the queen of death itself. Ereshkigal's cold hands rested on Heidi's cheek before her fingers moved down to her neck and noticed the rosary still around her neck.

Ereshkigal growled and ripped the necklace off Heidi, holding it in her hand before she crushed it with her iron grip and allowed it to dissolve into ash before allowing the ash to fall to the floor. "Your god cannot save you now, Heidi."

Ereshkigal's calm voice was gone and a demonic voice was in its place, chilling Heidi to her core. Ereshkigal's black eyes turned into a goldish light, showing up against the swirling darkness that surrounded the pair.

Just as her smoke was about to enter Heidi's mouth, a voice from outside of the darkness called Heidi's name, stopping Ereshkigal in her tracks and caused her to growl in frustration of being interrupted.

"Heidi!" Paul's voice called out, completely unaware of the attempted possession going on in the woods just up ahead of him.

Oh thank god.

"This isn't over, Heidi of the Americas. You will submit to my power soon, child. And remember; no matter where you run, or where you hide – I will find you. You are mine." Ereshkigal hissed before her black form seemed to fade into nothingness and Heidi was alone once more.

The sunlight returned and all traces of Ereshkigal and her black smog left; the only reminder was the small pile of ash that used to be Heidi's rosary rested beside Heidi's feet. With everything that had happened, Heidi's legs buckled and she fell to the floor; completely in shock over Ereshkigal's words and her warning. Her nightmare wasn't over, and it was possible that it would never truly be over.

Paul arrived at the clearing several moments later, and found Heidi crying while in the foetal position, gently rocking herself back and forth, muttering incoherent things to herself. He tried to ask her what had happened but she shook her head – what would she tell him? An ancient goddess wanted to possess her and none of them were safe from her clutches? No, he'd never believe her in a million years. She said nothing as she gripped onto him as tightly as she could, sobbing into the crook of his neck.

O Death ⇉ Paul LahoteWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu