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When Heidi opened her eyes; the bedroom door was open, the bedside lamp was back on the table, her book was on the bed beside her, but her phone was still smashed – just reminding her that everything was real and what had happened wasn't a dream. She felt that feeling again, the one where someone was behind her and watching over her shoulder. But she wasn't afraid, however. Instead, she felt comforted by that feeling. It reminded her that Ereshkigal was with her, and that everything would be okay.

She knew she couldn't tell anyone about her little secret, somehow, she just knew. She was sure they'd figure it out at some point, that was fairly obvious. But for now, it would just be between her and Ereshkigal.

Heidi walked out of her room, almost in a trance-like state, her eyes rolled back inside her head. She snapped out of it as soon as she felt a warm hand on her arm. Jumping from shock, she turned to face who had touched her arm.

She relaxed a little when it was just Paul, she gave him a light smile. Paul gave her a smile back, looking directly into her green eyes – quickly noticing a slight blackness to them that hadn't been there before her. He could tell the blackness wasn't her pupil, no, this was far darker than just black. This was the kind of black that could devour everything.

But when Heidi blinked, the blackness had gone, and her green eyes showed no signs of darkness. Frowning, Heidi cleared her throat a little. "Everything okay, Paul?"

Paul blinked numerous times, almost making sure he wasn't just seeing things. He nodded his head, deciding not to freak out Heidi anymore than she already was. "Yeah, everything's fine. You hungry at all?"

Heidi nodded, feeling her stomach ache and groan. She hadn't quite realised how hungry she was until Paul offered her food. Both of them smiled at each other, walking into the kitchen.

As Paul began to prepare a chicken dish for the pair, Heidi breathed in the smell of the meat. She'd never been a big meat eater but ever since Ereshkigal had taken over, she'd suddenly only ever wanted to eat meat. Even if it wasn't cooked, she would've devoured it regardless.

Paul placed down a plate of chicken and a few vegetables in front of Heidi and before Paul had even gotten a chance to give her a knife and fork and sit down himself, Heidi had already picked up the hot piece of meat and began biting into it.

Paul stared at her in disbelief as her heard the cracking of bones as Heidi devoured every part of the chicken – including the bones and fat. Heidi had finished it in seconds and it filled a slight sense of her hunger, but she knew deep down the only thing that would truly satisfy her – Ereshkigal had told her inside her head. For the hunger to be truly quenched, once must kill an innocent and devour their heart.

Heidi gave him a gentle smile, picking up a carrot from her plate and placing it in her mouth as she walked out of the kitchen. "Thanks for the food!" she called back to him before walking back into her room, closing the door behind her and there she stayed until the darkness surrounded the house.

Lying on her bed, Heidi's eyes were closed – but she wasn't asleep. She was learning more about the women who came before her from Ereshkigal until she felt her stomach ache and groan again but this time it was more intense than last time.

"We must feed, child." Ereshkigal informed her, causing Heidi to open her eyes and get out of bed. Opening her window, Heidi climbed out of it and began to walk through the silent forest, her bare feet making no noise as she walked on the branch and leaf covered floor.

As she walked, her hunger got more and more intense, driving her insane from the aching. She stopped by a tree to rub her stomach to try to ease the pain, but no amount of rubbing would help.

She needed to feed.

Going further into the forest, Heidi came across a man sat in front of a small campfire. Licking her lips, Heidi slowly walked towards him, quickly making her presence known by him. She gave him a small smile. "May I sit?"

The man nodded, moving along a little to create room for Heidi beside him. She sat down and stared into the flames, neither of them speaking to one another until the man made signals with his hands that he was unable to speak, causing Heidi to make an O shape with her mouth, nodding slowly in understanding.

Heidi stood and walked in front of the man, blocking his view of the fire as she towered over him. As she stared down at him, Heidi's eyes turned completely black as she trailed a finger along the man's cheek, a dark grin spreading across her face before she moved in for the kill.


Heidi has joined the dark side [insert Imperial March here], against her will, of course.

Sorry this took so long to be put up, I've been focusing on my fanfics for The Enemy and they've been taking up a lot of my time. I also did a film course for a few months and had almost no time for writing but thankfully, I've completed it and I'm back writing pretty much full time once again.

Anyways; I am finally 21 (my birthday was on the 17th August yay me) – I have properly left the realm of teenage-hood behind and I'm now somewhat an adult. I just have one question; who in their right mind let me adult? I cannot adult. I don't even know how my own oven works. Like, that should be a dead giveaway that I should never ever be allowed to adult.

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