3 - Vegan Meals and Pot-Smoking Lesbians

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Dinner is nothing short of strange; from the Curried Coconut Quinoa with Roasted Cauliflower concoction I'm forced to choke down, straight through dessert, when Mrs. MacKenna—Penny—and her girlfriend roll a home-grown joint. My jaw about hits the table when Hartley takes a hit and I'm thankful they don't invite me to partake in the festivity.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept our extracurricular activities to yourself," Penny says after passing the joint to Jolie. "Many people haven't caught on to the health benefits of marijuana—not to mention it's a safer option considering other forms of relaxation. I'd just hate for your parents to think I'm irresponsible. I never drive under the influence or operate heavy machinery." She gives me a playful grin. "The truth is, I'm not sure I would have survived the changes over the past couple of years without this herbal remedy."

I nod as though I understand what she means and clasp my hands in my lap. If I leaked their family secret, Mom would book me on the first flight back to Ohio. "Don't worry. I won't say anything."

She gives me a wink and stands to clear the dinner plates, and I take the opportunity to ask about her social media presence. "So, Hartley told me you have a YouTube channel?"

"Oh, she did, did she?" Penny's blue eyes light up like a cat in a room full of yarn. "What else did she say?"

"Just that you're proud of your business. What's it about?" Back in Ohio, she worked in an office, doing what, I never knew. It's difficult to imagine her doing anything YouTube-worthy. After all, she is a mom.

Penny swipes my empty dinner plate and places it in the sink. "When Hartley and I first moved here, it was important to me that we strived for inner peace. Her father passed away so suddenly and it took its toll on the both of us." She lets out a long breath. I wonder if she's going to cry, but she doesn't. "We needed to let go of the turmoil and negativity that'd been bogging us down, but I didn't know how. So, I turned to healthy living. Natural foods that focus on sustained energy, recovery, boost immunity, and are packed with protein; meditation; yoga—that's how I met Jolie," she says, giving the woman's shoulder an affectionate squeeze, "—and I began studying aromatherapy. Have you ever heard of it?"

"Yes. But I don't really know what it is."

She leans against the kitchen counter. "Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential plant extracts to help balance the mind, body, and spirit. It's an alternative way to treat emotional health and well-being," she says. "It's made a huge difference. Even Hartley's hooked. Her pillows are infused with bergamot."

"Mom..." Hartley warns, giving her a look.

"It's true!" Penny chuckles. "Anyway, I became a certified Aromatherapist and opened my own shop, and since I work from home, I decided to share what I've learned on YouTube. To my surprise, the channel took off. I hit a hundred thousand subscribers last week!"

I muster my most encouraging smile. "It must be nice not having to go to an office."

"Oh, it absolutely is." Penny turns on the faucet and begins filling the sink with soapy water, completely ignoring their built-in dishwasher. That's something the old Mrs. MacKenna would have never done. "And this way, I get to be here for Hartley."

I nod, not knowing what else to say. Jolie presses the hand-rolled joint to her lips and settles back into her chair. "So, Gwen. Tell me about life back home." Her voice is raspy as she inhales. "Is there anything you like to do? Sports you play? Subjects in school you enjoy?"

I bite the inside of my cheek. "I used to take gymnastics."

"Oh my God. Seriously?" Hartley interrupts, using her fork to spread the rice-like pieces around her plate. "That was years ago! You were, like, eleven."

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