21 - Head Over Heels

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The rest of our date is a blur.

Throughout the tour of the centuries-old French Quarters, past brightly-painted buildings and cobblestone streets, entertained by stories of heartbroken Southern debutantes, sugarcane slave rebellions, black magic priestesses, and unrequited love, all I can think about is our first kiss and how I hope and pray it's not the last. With our fingers tangled together, Sully and I sneak peeks at one another, our eyes locking briefly before darting away.

It's absolute bliss.

When he walks me to the door at the end of the night, he kisses me again—and somehow it's sweeter, slower and more meaningful than the last. I want to tell him how I feel, how spending time with him makes my heart dance, but the words catch in my throat.

Sully grins down at me. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" he says before stepping down the stairs.

I watch as he slides into the driver's seat, waving once before pulling away, and only turn around after he's parked in his driveway.

I'm about to open the front door, the taste of Sully still on my lips, when Hartley's voice catches my attention. It's strained. I stop and listen, pressing my ear to the mesh screen.

"I'm fine! I've already told you that a million and one times," she yells at someone I can't see. "I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"Hartley—" It's her mom. "I'm worried about you. And no matter what you think, I have every right to ask. You're my daughter."

"But you always ask and I always tell you the same thing. You sound like a broken record!"

"I thought this would help." Penny's words are tense, as if she's fighting back emotion. "I thought having her here would make things easier for you. Your doctor says—"

"I don't care what my stupid doctor says!" Hartley interrupts. "Things are easier for me. Everything's good, I wish you'd just accept that. Please stop making mountains out of mole hills."

It's Jolie's turn next. "We're just trying to understand. We love you very much and want to make sure you're okay. You can't fault us for that."

Hartley releases a drawn out sigh of resignation. After a long pause, her voice is softer than before. "I don't fault you for that. I just wish you'd believe me."

"Oh, honey." Her mom sniffle. "We're trying. But you need to meet us halfway. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you. You're my entire life."

"Everything is under control. I promise."

The blanket of night swallows me as I debate my next move. I've never heard Penny sound this desperate before. Not even after her husband passed away. Something buzzes near my ear. I swat at a mosquito then slowly push open the door. The hinges creak out a warning.

Three faces turn toward me, eyes wide with surprise. "I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?" My voice is quieter than usual.

"Gwen!" The back of Hartley's hand swipes across her cheek, and three giant steps later, she's engulfing me in a hug. "How was your date? I want to hear everything!"

From the confines of her squeeze, I glance over Hartley's shoulder just in time to catch Penny and Jolie exchange a look. My best friend steps back, her face beaming. "Well? How'd it go?"

My gaze drops to the floor as anxiety churns in my stomach. "It was good."

"I'm glad you had fun." Penny walks over and drops a kiss on the top of my head. "Sully's a nice boy. I've always liked him."

Our eyes meet and I smile. "I like him, too."

Penny smiles back but it feels more sad than happy. "I'm going to bed. I'll leave you girls be." She hugs me and turns to Hartley. "We'll continue this conversation later," she says, pulling her daughter in for an embrace.

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