Chapter XXVIII

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It had only been a few weeks, but my soldiers in training were learning rather quickly. I didn't know when the Fallen Ones would strike, so I prepared them to be ready for anything. Always stay alert and aware of your surroundings and report anything suspicious. With Cyrus's pack now living in the estate ten miles from my castle, I felt slightly at ease. I expected attacks head on, but sneak attacks were also considered. 

"That's all for today, go home and rest, you have another long day starting tomorrow at dawn." I announced. Short sighs of relief were heard from across the training field as lycans, guardians, and vampires began making their way off the field. 

"Today was good, their endurance has increased these last few weeks." Cyrus said from behind me. I turned to face the blonde and nodded in agreement.

"Yes they have. Have a good night." I said with a polite smile. Cyrus bidded me goodnight before following her pack. Orcus, Lilith, and Xavier all began making their way towards me.

"How were your groups?" I asked them all. 

"Good." Orcus and Xavier said. Lilith agreed along with them.

"Have we received any more threats?" Lilith asked. 

"The fallen ones have gone quiet, which is all the more reason to train our soldiers even harder."

After light conversation, we all parted ways. I quickly took a shower and made my way to Livia's suite. I couldn't promise I'd get to see her today, but we both knew I would.  

Her suite was completely silent as I entered. I went into the kitchen and sniffed to make sure she ate something before going to bed. The only scent I caught was stale wine and dark chocolate. I sighed knowing what was to come when entering her bedroom.

Instead of being sprawled in her bed like usual, Livia was curled in the fetal position clutching her stomach. Her heartbeat was slower, but not slow enough for her to be asleep. I stripped down to my boxers then climbed into bed with my tortured lover.

"Are you alright, darling?" I asked quietly. I received a nod as a response.

"Come here, I'll help you feel better." I said while sliding my body closer and gently wrapping my arm around her waist. I removed the heating pad from her lower abdomen and replaced it with my hand. 

"Please, don't touch me, I'm bloated." Livia groaned. I ignored her demand and began softly caressing the skin above her womb. 

"Just relax and try to get some sleep." I kissed the back of her head. 

"You get to be sexy all the time while I bleed everywhere." She whimpered.

I winced at her words. I have seen a lot of gore and guts in my life, but a woman shredding her lining has always been a mystery to me. It sounded absolutely horrid, but that was the cost of conceiving another life. Men committed the most sin, so I didn't understand why women were always the ones to suffer, even at my hands.

"You are sexy, you're just a little emotional right now." I tried to explain. 

Livia shook her head, "The willingness to have sex with someone is what makes you sexy, therefore, I'm not fucking sexy." 

I bit my lip to keep from chuckling. She was being completely irrational, but it was oddly adorable. I inhaled her scent and moved my lips to the side of her neck.

"If feeling sexy is what you want, I can definitely help with that." I sucked lightly on her neck and kissed it once I was satisfied with the bruising lovebite.

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