Chapter 6

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I stare at his outstretched palm, noting the vibrant smear of blood soaking the sleeve of his shirt. Numbly, I reach out my own hand and shake, my addled brain still trying to make sense of the sudden turn of events.

"Kay." My voice comes out hoarse and I clear my throat.

His brow twitches and he holds his injured arm as we withdraw. "Kay. I would say that it is an honour to make your acquaintance, but to be honest, the stabbing was a little off-putting." He gestures to his bloody arm and grimaces again.

I am in no mood to dole out sympathy. "What do you want?"

"I want to put a bandage on this. And it looks like you could use something for that leg." He has noticed I am heavily favouring my right.

I attempt to straighten, and wince again.

"Come on, I have a spot nearby where we can patch up," he says. "I'll explain everything once we're there."

"Are you jesting? You just gave me the gods-damn scare of a lifetime, chased me through the streets, slammed me against the walls and wrenched my knee into a very unfavourable state, and now you would like me to go to a strange location with you to chat? Forgive me, whatever-your-name-is, but we are going to have to establish some trust first."

"It's Will."

"Will. Fine. Whatever. What do you want?"

He casts a furtive glance down the abandoned alleyway. "I don't think this is the best place to discuss it."

"I am sure you are used to being surrounded by marble floors and fine china, but this location suits me just fine for talking."

"For gods' sake, you are a mouthy thing, aren't you?"

"You have no idea. And you haven't answered a single one of my questions. Who are you, what do you want, and how did you find me?"

He takes a step toward me, his grey eyes flashing. When he speaks, it is through clenched teeth.

"My name is Will Cain, I aim to overthrow the monarchy, and I looked up. Now, can we please take this conversation somewhere a little more discreet?"

That's twice now that this man has left me speechless.

"All right," I say, eventually.

I retrieve my dagger and re-attach it to my belt, checking that the stolen purse is still tucked safely in my pouch. Finally satisfied, I turn back to Will and nod. "Lead the way."

I tail him back through the narrow alleyways, noting that he has wisely chosen to avoid the main street. No doubt, our odd pairing and various injuries would attract an uncomfortable amount of attention.

He catches me limping and slows his pace, drawing closer and offering an arm around my back. "Here, let me help you."

"I'm fine." I jump away from his touch.

His mouth twitches up into a half-smile. "Suit yourself."

I expect him to lead me back toward the house with the red shutters, but instead we wind up in the fringes of the Court, adjacent to a rough common neighbourhood. Will pushes open the door of a nondescript building and we spiral up the staircase to the top floor, finally entering a tiny flat.

"This is not what I anticipated," I say, feeling awkward as I regard the few scattered pieces of second-hand furniture.

"The marble floors and fine china not up to your standards?" Will's voice carries from a room at the back of the flat.

The Runner (Part I of the Runner Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ