Chapter 16

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The Princess is the most stunning person I have ever seen in my life.

Her hair is coal-dark and silken, rolled expertly into perfect coils and woven together in an intricate updo. She is tall, though at present I cannot tell whether my impression is due to her height or simply the way she holds herself. Her skin is the colour of rich chocolate, smooth and faultless, with fine features and full lips that are presently pursed together in either disapproval or curiosity.

I grasp the folds of my dress and curtsy deeply, using the opportunity to sweep my eyes over her costly silver gown and trim figure. Straightening, I smile graciously and force an expression of practiced reverence.

At once she looks away, brushing past me with nary a glance in my direction.

I remain stock still, stunned at her cold dismissal. I'm not sure what I was expecting when I finally laid eyes on the Princess Megra, but certainly this silent, impassive girl has left me shaken.

I maintain my distance as I follow the Princess and the rest of the ladies-in-waiting down the staircase to the first floor, my eyes stretching wide as we cross through the massive set of ornately carved double doors and into the Great Hall.

The room is massive. Tables draped in white linen are lined up on either side of the carpeted aisle running down the middle of the room. The carpet ends at a raised head table, where I suppose the King would sit. Behind the head table is an outer wall made entirely of glass and overlooking the courtyard. Common servants scurry back and forth, silently serving the chattering courtiers seated in front of their golden plates.

Vitrola escorts us to a table on the right side of the aisle and I sink down into a plush chair, situating myself with my back to the wall so that I can watch the goings-on. The Princess selects a seat on the opposite side of the table, appearing to half-listen as the ladies settle themselves around her and fill the air with high-pitched chatter.

I cast my gaze around the room, trying to work out the seating plan. Several older men sit at the table at the very front of the Hall, nearest the raised head table. They are all wearing red sashes tied with gold medals and sport grey facial hair trimmed into a variety of intricate patterns. Judging by their air of self-importance, I take it that these men are on the Board of advisors. Will refers to them simply as the Board. I recognize one man by his great bushy sideburns, nearly meeting at his chin and oiled to stick straight out. This is Chancellor Braun, the head of the Board and the King's most trusted advisor.

At a table on the other side of the aisle sits Will, his dark head bent low in conversation with his companion. He glances up at me, offering an encouraging nod from across the room. I duck my chin to study the variety of forks next to my plate, mentally reviewing the order and proper use of each one.

"Tell me, Miss Abby, do they teach much decorum at the Outer City Academy?"

I look up abruptly. Hawk Nose is sitting across from me, her dark, beady eyes protruding unattractively.

"My instructors were more concerned with information than formalities," I say, pleasantly. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Or will there be a proper ceremony for that introduction later?"

She glowers. "It's Bellany."

I immediately decide I prefer the name Hawk Nose.

"A pleasure," I say. I have made up my mind to be nice to these girls, as per Will's suggestion. Hawk Nose has another thing coming if she thinks I am going to let her antagonize me into pettiness.

We are interrupted by three sharp blasts of a horn.

"His Majesty, King Francis," a herald near the entrance to the Hall suddenly announces, projecting his voice and thrusting his staff into the ground three times.

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