Chapter 67: Nullifier

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I thought-- You said your research was confiscated!

Seiren's mind almost exploded from recognising the state of the creature.

It was! I haven't had anything to do with them for months!

Dent managed to angle the thing's head and his gun without fear of injuring others or himself and fired it straight through its brain. Blood and brain matter sprayed in the other direction. The impulse jerked the creature's head backwards and it lolled, tongue hanging out, half its skull missing. Dent dropped it in disgust. It landed with a thump at his feet, the blood mixing in with the melted snow.

"What is that?" Dent said. Seiren's blood drummed against her ears and the inside of her skull. How the hell did Hannans get a hold of her classified research from Bicknor and why was it being used in Acrise? None of it made any sense. Her research was solely for healing purposes and it was successful in that the wounds could be healed provided there were enough intact pieces to regenerate from, but never had she even suggested it would be used in warfare--

"Dent," she said, cold realisation hitting her. "Get away from that thing."

Dent's prominent forehead scrunched in confusion. "What--"

The creature's head lifted. All the colour drained out of Dent's face. He raised his gun again but the thing leapt at him, the missing half of his skull knitting back together. They crashed and tumbled backwards, almost out of the range of Maura's wall. Seiren scrabbled forward and slammed a red rune on its back before its back leg kicked out, striking the centre of her chest, and sent her flying. She snapped her fingers, eyes watering to the point where she couldn't see. There was an animalistic screech and a splat.

Hands tugged at her.

"What are you doing?!" Rowan's familiar voice was a blessing to hear. "Are you stupid or suicidal?"

"Someone needs to save Portendorfer!" she said in retaliation, but it was hard to sound angry when she felt so relieved.

Rowan looked beyond her and spotted the blood-drenched mage.

"Why is he bleeding?"

"'Cos he's stupid."

"Stupidity doesn't cause haemorrhage in the neck. I'm sure any doctor will agree."

"Well, he's a special breed of stupid. He's fine."

"I'm not sure whose definitions you're using, but it's definitely not the one everyone else uses.""

Another cannonball whizzed from the soldiers and exploded. The silvery shards tore through the approaching creatures before turning into flames on contact with the wall. Rowan tugged at her.

"Move it!"

Somehow, Rowan and a few other soldiers managed to drag her, Portendorfer, and Dent back to behind the frontlines. Portendorfer got carted off to the medics' room at once. Dent was taken away for a check, too. Rowan patted Seiren over, initially blanching at the sight of her front covered in blood until she explained the source. He shook his head, disbelief on the face that looked ten years younger than he actually was.

"This is bad. We are barely holding them at bay. Those things don't seem to take much damage from anything..." He tugged at his black hair, making more bits stand up. "And you -- there are twenty ways this could have gone better. I am still counting. You moron."

"If I didn't do anything, we'll all be the contents of those reanimated things' stomachs."

"I don't know if anyone taught you that apologies aren't like that."

Rune Mage [Fantasy/Adventure | Book 1 +2 | Complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang