CHAOS MAGE Chapter 10: A Land of Snow and Sand

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"I can't believe I'm hearing this, Nithercott." Kommora's stare burnt a hole through Seiren's soul. She seemed to have improved a lot in just two days, back on her feet and seemingly having forgotten her doctor's instructions. Dark circles sat in the wrinkles beneath her eyes, which were pools of midnight, bottomless and unfathomable. "Absolutely not. Are you seriously out of your mind? And—" Her eyes narrowed. "Were you not supposed to be on a train en route to Cliffe to complete the rest of your sentence yesterday?"

Seiren shrugged. "Kristen Harred's daughter. Why are you surprised?"

"I told you. Any Karman crossing the border is a declaration of war."

"Karman mages. Unless you're happy to let Kristen off for her crimes."

"Need I remind you of your sentence, of which you have only served five months?"

Seiren bit her lips. "Double it. Triple it. I don't care. I'll serve it when I come back."

"Seiren!" Madeleine sounded horrified. Seiren turned to her, a fierce look burning in her eyes.

"If we don't go now, there will never be a chance again. She'll disappear from sight and return one day and kill us all — we're as prepared as we ever can be, and stop her before she has another awful plan." She whirled back to Kommora. "You don't have to approve. But we're here because we need your help."

"I can't approve, but you have a point." Kommora shook her head. "Your absence will not go unnoticed. Likely you'll be re-trialled — if you make it back, that is. If this plan gets out, our heads will roll — as will the rest of the country's."

"I'm sure if you ask Dankworth and the others discreetly, they'd hardly criticise," Seiren said dryly.

"I'll give you that — you're no shit-for-brains. Honestly, I can barely tell when your ideas are madness and when they're genius."

"I was once told there is a thin line between the two."

Kommora's lip quirked. "I'm not saying this plan isn't doable. But if you're caught the consequences will be heavy."

"For us, not for Karma."

"Indeed. You are surprisingly thoughtful of others, for a change."

Seiren scowled.

"I'm keen to see the end of Kristen Harred as much as the next king's mage, so whilst I can't say I officially approve, this plan might just work."

Seiren shot Madeleine a triumphant look. Madeleine merely sighed in despair, dropping her head in her hands.

"You have to be careful not to do any Karman magic there. It's deep shit enough if you're caught as illegals from Karma as civilians, as mages you've pretty much signed my execution order and Karma's declaration of war."

"I'm well aware."

"Hannans are notorious for 'an eye for an eye'. They don't have the same respect for honour and pride; they're a more pragmatic culture."

"Okay, okay." The brutality of the Hannan culture was well-known in Karma. It wasn't as if Seiren wished to go there for a holiday.

"Fine." Kommora's attitude became business-like. "We have contacts in Leitholm, just north of Acrise in Hanna. They have been close affiliates with me for several decades, so their loyalty is second to none. I suggest you make contact with them there and see where it takes you. Knowing your history, however, Nithercott, I'd suggest you don't clash head-to-head with any member of the Daemonium. They're not like the common demon summoners you see popping up occasionally in Karma. These are generations of masters, bred for excellence and power, and only the strongest summoners from each house can become part of the group. Against any individual one, you don't stand a chance, let alone them as a group, let alone with their very well-trained, exceedingly powerful demons."

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