Chapter 10: Masquerade, Part 1

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Moriarty slowly opened his eyes as his mother's soothing melody continued to play, bringing him into that sacred place of tranquility. But it wasn't the piano he heard as he strained to catch the ethereal serenade. He tried to rise to get closer to the music, but it was near impossible to lift his head. So closing his eyes, he lay there, quietly waiting for the sounds of the violin to do its work on him. He basked in the melody, calmness wrapping its fingers around him. But without warning, the music stopped.

Moriarty's breath caught in his chest. Why had the music ended? He struggled to sit up, but a warm hand touched his cheek, another gently holding down his chest to keep him still. Immediately, he opened his eyes and relief rushed through him as Annabelle smiled back at him... his Annabelle. Perched on the bed beside him, she continued to stroke his face but didn't say a word.

"Darlin', you're back," he whispered as he gave her a weak smile. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I thought Byron had you." 

He tried to raise his hand to touch her face, but the excruciating pain in his shoulder made it impossible. He groaned as he looked down at his arm now bandaged against his side to keep it immobile.

"You have to rest now, James. You're getting better, but you're still weak from all the blood loss."

Moriarty tried to focus on her face as a grim realization came over him. It wasn't Annabelle's voice but Meg who spoke to him. Rubbing his eyes with one hand, he tried to think as the haze started clearing from his head. "Meg?" he managed, "Where's Annabelle?"

Meg stood as tears glistened in her eyes. "We don't have her yet, James. Sebastian and your men have scoured everywhere, but they haven't found her."

James groaned as he tried to sit up using his uninjured arm. Meg was immediately at his side again, propping the pillows behind his back to give him support, knowing his stay in the bed wouldn't last long.

"Tell me everything, Meg." The fog started lifting from his mind as his focus on Annabelle started consuming him.

Meg sat back down on the side of the bed and clenched her hands in her lap. "Soo-Ling shot you in the shoulder, James. Sebastian was able to stop the blood until the doctor arrived, but you lost consciousness for a time. The doctor saw fit to give you some medication to help you sleep while you healed a little longer."

Moriarty's mouth turned into a scowl. "He drugged me?"

Meg nodded. "But you needed time to heal," she repeated, "You still need to stay in bed. The stitches may come loose if you strain them. You could start bleeding again."

Moriarty shook his head, anger filling his eyes. "How long have I been out, Meg?"

"Two days."

Moriarty looked at her in shock. "Two days!" he yelled as Meg closed her eyes.

"I've lost two days?" He gritted his teeth as he reached over and gripped Meg's hand so she would look at him.

She did, and she regretted it as tears flowed down her wrinkled cheeks. "I don't want to lose you, James."

Moriarty sighed. "Meg, I will do my best not to die." He tried to soften his voice though his anxiety was at its peak. "The last thing I remember was seeing Dan with Soo-Ling. Where is that snake now, Meg?"

She lowered her eyes, knowing full well what Moriarty was capable of.

"Tell me!"

Meg jumped at his tone and began shaking as she looked into his fiery eyes. "She has the same shoulder wound you have. The doctor took care of her after he fixed you up. Sebastian has her locked in a room in the Lair, but she still refuses to give him any information."

Moriarty's eyes darkened. "Where is Sebastian now?"

"He's in the Lair with Dan."

Moriarty shifted his body and propelled himself off the other side of the bed. "James! What are you doing? You need to stay in bed." She knew she was speaking to a brick wall that was threatening to topple over.

"Meg, where are my pants? I can't go anywhere without my pants." He looked at her expectantly, his mouth a tight line.

It was Meg's turn to be obstinate. "I'm still washing them. You can't leave yet," she said.

Moriarty slowly walked over to her, feeling the light-headedness leaving him and a new resolve stoking his mission. 

"Meg," he looked directly into her eyes. "I need to find Annabelle." He could see her resolution crumbling. "Meg, I care for her and I may even..." he swallowed as he lowered his eyes, not able to say the words lingering on his tongue.

"Love her?" Meg bit her lip as she reached up to touch his face. Could it be the little Musician had penetrated his hardened heart?

Moriarty didn't answer. "Meg, where are my pants?" he said, accentuating each word.

Meg nodded quickly and hurried over to the dresser and withdrew a pair of jeans. She brought them over to him and held them out. He took them with his good hand and tried to awkwardly get his leg into the holes as he stood. He gave a frustrated sigh. 

"Please James. Let me help you. Sit down on the bed."

Moriarty obediently sat as Meg crouched down, holding the jeans so he could get each foot into the opening. She helped him shimmy them up his legs. 

"Thank you," he said. 

"I love you." 

He gave her a small smile, not knowing how to say those words, even to her.

Meg watched him pull the jeans up the rest of the way, securing the zipper and button.

"You're like my own son, James. I love you that much. I so want you to be happy." She took a deep breath. "Find Annabelle. She needs you. But promise me, you won't torture Soo-Ling."

Moriarty grimaced, shook his head at Meg, and headed out the door. He never made promises he couldn't keep. All he knew was that one way or another, he was going to make a snake talk.

Hey, Guys! As always, thanks so much for reading! Please let me know what you think and I'd appreciate your vote if you enjoyed reading. Take care!

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