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Harry's POV:

It's been a week.

A week without her laugh, her smile, her soft lips molding with mine.

God, do I miss her.

She was the one person I could talk to about whatever was on my mind, and that's what I miss the most.

Just the thought of her makes me want to punch a gigantic fucking hole in the wall. Put all my anger, frustration, and feelings into one solid punch.

It's like this deep void is building within me each second of every minute that passes. Every time I try to distract my never stopping mind, it backfires.

This is all so fucking messed up, I ruined us. Why couldn't I just tell her the truth?

Because it puts her in danger, my subconscious adds.

Maybe I am selfish to do just that. To have her I would put everything on the line, even our safety.

I'm such an asshole.

"Have you grown a pair yet?" I look up to find Louis with a smug look on his face, leaning against the wall separating the living room from hallway.

"When I was born you idiot."

"You know what I mean, with Leah." He elaborates.

There it goes, hurting all over again.

"I don't know, even if I do I'm honestly not sure if she'll take me back. I've been lying about who I am to her, and that's not right." I say, leaning further into the couch.

"You never know if you don't try, Harold."

"Do not call me that." I say with my teeth gritted.

"If you get to call me Lewis, then I have every right to call you Harold." Louis says.

"Whatever, get me a beer."

Louis rolls his eyes before walking in the direction of our kitchen. After about a minute he comes back with two cold beers, already open. I mutter him a thanks before drinking a large amount of what's in the bottle.

"Someone is planning on getting wasted." Louis inquires, watching as I finish the rest of the bottle off.

"May as well."

"You have classes tomorrow though." Louis points out, as if I don't already know.

"Drinking away my feelings sounds a lot more important at the moment." I say before getting up, going to the kitchen and getting another bottle, but this time it's whiskey. This will work a whole lot faster than beer.

Time to drink away my pain and sorrows.


The loud beeping of my alarm clock brings me out of a deep sleep. I whack the annoying device, making it shut up.

My head is pounding, and I feel as if I may throw up. Last night all I remember is finishing half the bottle of whiskey and playing wii with Louis, then it all fades into blackness.

I quickly get into the bathroom, getting Advil and swallowing it with some water from the tap, which was very hard to get into my mouth by the way.

After peeing for a record amount of time, I got downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Liam stands against the counter pouring cereal into a bowl, his always apparent smile on his face.

"Shut the fuck up." I grumble, getting out my own bowl and putting a random market brand of cereal into it, along with milk and a spoon.

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