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Harry's POV:

"Fuck!" I slam against the steering wheel, I don't care if I'm scaring her, she did this to herself. I told her not to worry, I told her to stay home.

She whimpers, "Harry I'm so sorry, please calm down." I know she's been crying, this entire car ride she has been, but I can't feel for her right now.

"What were you thinking Leah?" I ask, but decide not to let her answer. "Oh yeah, you weren't thinking! I told you not to do anything stupid, and look where we are now!" I yell, my anger boiling inside.

We've been driving for about fifteen minutes now, most likely lost from all the random turns I've taken.

"Please pull over, I think I may be sick." Leah says, her voice coming out shaky. I take a deep breath, pulling over to the side of a random road. She immediately opens the passenger door, undoing her seatbelt before getting out of the car and hunching over.

When she begins to rid her body of everything in her stomach onto the pavement, I can't help but get out of the car and rush to her side. She gives me a small thanks as I rub circles on her back, something my mother did whenever I got sick as a child.

Not the time Harry.

"Are you okay?" I ask once she seems done, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"No, no I'm not. You've been screaming for the last twenty minutes, and I just threw up on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere!" She says, meaning to sound angry but ends up just sounding tired as hell.

I look around, all the street signs are unfamiliar and we're surrounded by small houses which look as if they've been abandoned by their owners, graffiti plastered onto most of them.

"I'm sorry." I look over to find her worn and defeated. She looks up at me, that same pure innocence that attracted me is there once again.

"We should probably find a place to stay, I don't want to drive anymore." I say, ignoring her apology completely because I'm not sure if I even want to accept it. We both get back in the car, not speaking whatsoever. Our breaths fill the space as I drive in search of some kind of hotel.

Eventually we come across a bed and breakfast, I pull into the parking lot and find a spot with ease. I get out of the car, not waiting for Leah as I get inside the wooden lodge looking place. As I open the lobby door, a bell chimes. On the walls there are heads of deer, bull, and any other hunted animal you could think of.

"Welcome, how may I help you handsome?" An old woman with her gray hair in a bun asks from behind a wooden counter.

"I need a room for tonight." I say, not caring and too tired to even be polite. The noise of the bell chimes once again, letting me know that Leah is most likely standing behind me.

"That'll be-" Before she can even tell me the price I'm already handing her a credit card, all I want to do is sleep this night off. She smiles, swipes the card, and hands it back before escorting us to a cozy looking room, kind of like the wilderness with a tree wallpaper covering the walls. Luckily, there's no animal heads on the walls, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Have a good evening you two." The old woman, I'm guessing the manager or owner, says before heading back to the front of the building. I almost laugh because she probably thinks we're two teenagers here to have sex, but there's no energy left for even a chuckle to escape my lips.

I sit on the edge of the king sized bed with none other than camo sheets, taking off my black converse. Leah is sitting on the opposite, doing the same with her own shoes. The silence that hangs between us drags on, and I wonder who will be the first to say something.

"I shouldn't have followed you tonight." Leah says, the bed lifts up a bit, showing that she's now standing.

"I'm not even sure if I can trust you anymore." I say honestly, rubbing my eyes until I don't feel the need to anymore.

"Trust me? I'm not the one doing illegal things, Harry." Her voice raises, and I have to somewhat agree with her on that, but the fact that she followed me still isn't justified.

"For fucks sake, I've already told you that I tried to get out of it! They will kill me without a moments hesitation if I try to leave." I yell, now standing as well. We face each other from opposite sides of the bed, and although Leah looks absolutely exhausted, she's still the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on.


"I don't want us to be like this, I want us to trust each other." She says, voice becoming small again.

"You didn't trust me in the first place. I told you to stay home."

"Yes you did Harry, but didn't you think that I would get the least bit curious? Telling me that you were going to be in danger tonight just made me want to be there for you, that's all I wanted." She's sobbing again, and I wonder how she even has anymore tears left.

"Sometimes it's so hard to be together." I say, pulling harshly at my roots.

"I know." Is all she says.

"How about we just sleep tonight off and we'll talk about it in the morning, okay?" I suggest, tired as fuck and ready to just rest my head on a pillow until the world goes black.

"I forgot, they slashed Casey's tires. Now she has no way to get to her classes." Leah says worriedly, eyebrows furrowed as she bites her nails out of habit.

"I'll text Liam that you stayed over and to take her to uni in the morning." I take out my phone, quickly texting Liam and he responds almost immediately saying that he'll take her. "We're all good." I say before sitting back on the bed. Leah crosses the room and turns the lights off, leaving barely any visibility.

We both lie down, the bed dipping under our weight. As minutes pass my eyes become tired, ready to take me to oblivion at any moment. I check on Leah, she's taking shallow breaths, already asleep.

"I love you." I whisper before letting everything slip away.

(So basically Leah is being an idiot right now, but her character will evolve over time and learn from her mistakes. Hopefully.

Please don't be a ghost reader, vote and comment! Xo)

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