Two on the Street (Chapters 13 & 14)

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Sorry guys its been so long!, I promise i will finnish this book soon, I just have so many exams! Anyway Enjoy! Something very dramatic happens in this chapter! Very dramatic ...


Chapter 13:”Screw you mum!”

I stormed home. I couldn’t believe my mother would do this to me! She had better have an explanation. Pushing the keys into the door I noticed that the posh curtains were drawn shut. My mother is an ex model and wants to start her own agency so she has tons of expensive furniture. She always uses this as an opportunity to open her curtains to show the world how beautiful her house is. Doesn’t she know about robbery? Jheez.

I was too pissed off to ponder on the thought so I push the door open.

The smell of cooking hit my nose as soon as I stepped into the house which made my mouth water. Focus, I thought to myself.

I walked straight past the corridor and into the living room. “Mum? Mum.” I said loudly. I needed to have an explanation as to why she would do this to me. What did she think the school was going to do, send me a ‘Congratulations!’ card?

“Mum!” I shouted up the stairs.

No noise.

I walked up the stairs and saw my mother standing at the end of the corridor. She had changed into a classic white and black Chanel suit and had a fashionable oversized white summer hat on her perfectly styled hair. I wondered where she was going; maybe she had a dinner party that she didn’t bother to tell me about judging from the smell of cooking.

“Jessica, your home early.” She finally answered almost hatefully.

“Why did you tell the school that I’m pregnant?” I asked in the same tone.

“Why not? They were going to find out anyway”

“You didn’t have to tell them, I could have told them in my own time.”

“Jessica your only 16. A child yourself. What makes you think you can handle being pregnant to a child? Let alone explaining your condition to the school” she looked at me up and down detest fully whilst brushing her hair with a mini brush.

“Looks like I didn’t need to did me? You went ahead and told them and now I’m expelled!” I spat at her, tears forming in my eyes.

She looked a bit taken aback by the last think I had said. She swallowed and said.

“I know about that, but I didn’t think they’d act so soon... I spoke to the head of education this morning and they have a policy that-“

“I know about the policy mum. I’m not killing my baby! End off!”

“Jessica you don’t understand your throwing your whole life away!” she cried almost exhausted.

“No! YOU’RE throwing my life away! And-and you know it! Do you know what this means for me?! For my own mother to snitch on me and want to kill their own grandchild?!” I’m shouting now.

“It’s not like that Jessica! You probably don’t even know who the father is!” she’s shouting too.

“I do actually. It’s none of your business. Has anybody told you that you’re so nosy! Thanks to you I have no education because you couldn’t stop yourself from gossiping to others about your horrible child!”

“You’re not a horrible child, your just exaggerating” she whispers looking at the floor.

I gave a short sarcastic laugh. “Oh yeah? Name me a time you’ve been there for me when I’ve needed you, or not pick out a simple mistake I’ve ever made and told someone about it?! The only person you’re lying to is yourself!” I shout back glaring at her. I angrily wipe tears away from my face. She knew I was right.

On my sweet sixteen i'm a PREGNANT TEEN!Where stories live. Discover now