Chapter 3: Introduction

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New chapter! Sorry for shortness but please let me know what you think?



Catherine's small puppy growled at the large German Shepard who was standing next to Hawking while hiding behind her master's legs.

"Oh! Have you two met, already? Hawking, meet my companion, Lady Catherine." The Queen was ecstatic.

"This is Captain Hawking?!" Catherine's mouth dropped into an angry shock. Catherine wasn't surprised this was him. With a body like that. A stone pose like that. That persistent hungry look in his eyes like that. Yep. It made sense.

"Hello mi'lady." Hawking gave a bow, trying to keep his manners up and trying to win the fuming girl. He could not tolerate a pissed female. A love-struck one, maybe, but this was ridiculous. He wanted to go inside but she was blocking the doorway. He had a long day and just wanted to retire to his room.

"Oh, drop the act." Snarled Catherine, annoyed at his fake manners.

The Captain's stern lips twitched downward before stating coolly, "What is your matter with me?"

"Breaking news that just got in: You were an asshole this afternoon!"

"Says the bitch."

Catherine jestered to her dog, "She didn't say anything." A tinge of a smirk took her full lips.

His Aunt laughed, "So, I'm guessing you two got off on the wrong footing?"

"What gave that away?" Hawking's cool gaze caught his Aunt's powerful one. She chuckled.

"Catherine. Please let our guest inside. He will be staying with us."

"Wait what?" Catherine looked at the Queen in horror. "He's living with us?"

"Where did your manners go?" Hawking asked the annoying female.

Catherine faced Hawking. He was stunned. Her eyes were gorgeous but what was more surprising was that she was looking him in the eye! Her fire roamed behind her golden irises and she wasn't afraid to show it.

"I'm not a bakery so I don't sugar coat anything." Catherine narrowed her eyes, holding those of Hawking's. Never had she such a sharp partner in a battle of wits.

A woman that speaks her mind?? Where was this thing raised?

"Don't worry sugar. I noticed." Hawking leaned forward and smirked, showing is dominance. The woman before him growled. Yes, she was very refreshing. Too refreshing.

"Catherine... let him inside." The Queen said sternly as if she was watching children bicker.

"But he arrived a day early! He should wait outside until tomorrow evening when he was supposed to come!" Catherine whined like an upset child.

"And this lady-in-waiting should learn how to treat those higher than her with respect!" Hawking copied her tone, stepping inside the house.

Queen Grimhilde rolled her eyes, "Stop acting like children! Now Hawking!" A pause as the Queen's face stretched into a smile, "Look how you have grown!"

Hawking relaxed a little as his Aunt embracing him with love. He hugged this powerful witch back before pulling away, "Thank you your majesty." She caressed his face, a shared pain going through them.

Hawking pulled away. "I would like to be taken to my room please."

Catherine looked at Queen Mayor.

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