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 Dear Clara,

I haven't written to you in such a long time. I do hope you had a wonderful New Year's I know we did. For our New Year's we went over to our neighbours house for a party it was very amusing. I got the most lovely presents for my birthday and Anya said her first word which was Violet! Our ration cards are always running low these days and Mother never smiles anymore Father's is fading away only Anna smiles now. I have seen more and more of my friends taken from us everyday at school a new seat is empty and the owner is never hear of again. It does scare me it scares everyone but Father is always telling me to stay calm but I can't. My school is getting very small since I go to a all Jewish school and even the teachers will be glum all the time. I hate this war and the war hates me.


I tried to rub a stain out of my coat as I walked to school with my new friend Hannah she was also Jewish and spoke German. 

"Hannah is this stain noticeable?"

"No, well not from a far what happened?"

"Anna got baby food on it." I sighed as I tried to rub the stain out some more.

"Oh that's unfortunate I love that coat on you." 

"Really?" I stopped by a small puddle to look at my reflection.

"Yes the colour on you is just darling!" 

"It's purple not that much of a extraordinary colour." 

"But Violet purple is your best colour!" I kept on looking at my reflection I looked at my bright blue eyes and how they popped against my jet black hair. Purple did suit me very well which was very ironic.

"Well then I guess I'm living up to my name stake." Hannah and I laughed and I realized that was the first time I had laughed in a long time.

When we walked into the classroom it was dull like always and everyone was sad. I saw some of the boys sitting at their desks with black eyes or cut open lips from the Hitler Youth kids. Those awful children would stand outside the school and attack the Jewish boys that came out, never the girls though. The bell rung and I sat down my desk was beside Hannah's which I liked.

Our teacher came in and like the children he was also sad. Luckily though Mr. Pandals was a very good man. Before I was in a Jewish school my awful teacher Ms. Huit would bring a random Jewish student and compare him/her to the Nazi propaganda posters. Once I was one of those children Ms. Huit pulled on my braids and called my blue eyes a mistake. I liked Mr. Pandals he was a good teacher.

"Good morning Kinderen!" he plastered a fake smile on his face.

"Good morning Mr. Pandals!" we copied him with our fake smiles.We started our lesson it was about the history of King Henry the VIII. Then we moved on to math which I hated, even more then politics. Mr. Pandals was showing the class how to solve a algebraic expression then we heard a knock on the door, everyone jumped.

A tall handsome young man stepped into the room. He had blue eyes and blonde hair and was wearing a Nazi uniform.

"Where is the Jew called Hannah Da Vels?" the man said with a harsh dutch accent. Hannah looked at me in panic I could see it in her eyes. Mr. Pandals tried to stay calm but you could tell he was nervous.

"Da Vels? I'm sorry Sir but I have no student that bears that name." everyone looked at each other and realized what he was doing. 

"Are you saying that I'm a idiot! Look here Ms. Da Vels parents and brother are in that van and she will be joining them." the guard was right in Mr. Pandals face, but he was surprisingly calm.

"I'm telling you Sir I have no one named Hannah Da Vels." the guard didn't believe him at all.

"Passports!" the guard barked. I grabbed Hannah's passport from her luckily we where in the back. She had signed her name in pencil thank God. I quickly erased the signature and put in a fake name. The guards was getting closer to us I handed Hannah her passport. 

"Passport." he held out his hand, waiting for my passport. I gave it to him as told.

"Ms. Baker, what were you doing a minute ago?" 

"You see sir I was erasing a sentence from my studies, I had written the wrong answer in my math work." my heart was throbbing as I lied to a Nazi Guard right in his face.

"I see." he turned to Hannah and held out his hand her hand was shaking with fear. He snatched the passport from her and opened it.

"Ms. Sarah Greater? Is that your name?" my heart was beating a mile a minute my hands where shaking. I silently prayed inside my head Please God, Hannah doesn't need this she is good, she is pure.

"Yes Sir, that is my name." Hannah said trying to keep calm. The guard handed her the passport and moved to the next student until he was done.

"Excuse me, Mr. Pandals it seems you where not lying after all."

"Of coarse Privet I would never lie to you." Mr. Pandals gave the guard a bow after he spoke, the guard tipped his head turned on his heal and left.

"Sarah Greater, you are excused from class Violet can you escort Ms. Greater home?" I nooded and stood up with Hannah. Mr. Pandals stopped me  and took me by the sholder.

"Ms. Baker take Ms. Da Vels home with you okay. That was a very brave thing you did." he smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Thank you." I whispered.

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