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Dear Clara,

I am so nervous a family from Germany came to look for a child two days ago, today they announce their choice. I feel awful for wanting to live with them but I don't like the orphanage. No one is nice here except one little girl named Wilma. Also no one speaks German or Dutch just Swedish which I do not speak. Madison is refusing to go anywhere without me as I am for her. How did I get here Clara? Alone, desperate, depressed and beaten. All I can do now is pray. I pray that you are safe and that Papa is strong and I pray that I will see Anna and Marie's bright faces again. I want a normal life again hopefully a new family can bring me that.


All the girls played outside in the warm summer air. Loose cotton fluttered in the breeze that swayed the tall wheat plants in the fields. The orphanage playground was basically just some games painted on the ground. Madison, Wilma and I enjoyed a innocent game of hopscotch then they came.

Soldiers marched in packs towards us carrying tall guns. Each one had the same murderous look on their face. The wheat fields started to wither as they passed. Blood of the innocent trickled from their black steal toed boots. They yelled commands at us in German barking like the dogs they were. I looked down and saw I was wearing my work clothes once again they had come back to me like the chains on my shackles. Then one of them pointed their gun at me I froze and then BANG!

I awoke coated in sweat and breathing heavily. I searched for Madison she was asleep silently in the bed beside me. No one had been disturbed by my nightmares. That wasn't the first time the SS had marched their way into my dreams and I wasn't the last either. I longed for comfort from my Mother and Father. I felt like a child, but I wasn't a child. I remembered when I had first been disturbed by the nightmares. I remembered how I awoke not to a array of beds filled with girls whom didn't care about me but my family. Anna's tiny face stricken with tears and Mama's concern. I yearned for my father's kind gentle eyes once more. Then the tears came.

"Vio? Is that you?" Maddison came up to my side. She started to rub my head pushing my damp hair back. We didn't speak just laid there until we feel asleep.


"Up! Up!" someone started to clap loudly in my ear. It was Wilma. I stood up slowly still shaken from last night's dream.

"Morning Vio." Madison said happily.

"Why are you in such a good mood?"

"The Gillards that's why!" then I remembered the Gillards were coming here to take their child home. Excitement grew inside of me erasing any bad memory at that very moment.

After everyone had gotten ready Mother Bolm came in she had a paper in her hands. First she spoke to the girls in Swedish then she translated explaining that she would read out the name of the Gillard's choice.

"Violet Baker, Madison Pivar!" she finished then ran over to us hugging and kissing our cheeks. I went speechless Madison was going to be my sister. One of the girls behind us stomped her foot and yelled at us in Swedish.

"Ava!" Mother Bolm exclaimed in a disgusted tone. But Ava kept going sometimes she would point at Madison or I. Then she lost it she starred to scream before I knew it she had her thin pale hand wrapped around my short brown hair. I screamed in pain as she tugged harder and harder.

"Ava!Släpp henne!" Mother Bolm slapped Ava's hand causing her to shriek.

"Pig!" she spat in my face.

"Jew!" then she slapped me. The hit reminded me then that no matter where I hide or what I tell myself there will always be people like Ava, like the Nazis.

"You wretched little witch! How dare you put your hands on her and for what? Being Jewish! You know what we have been kicked, shot at, spat on and starved because of people like you! Your heart is filled with hatred and revenge!" Madison turned to face Ava who didn't understand a word of what she just said. Ava stood there dumbstruck because all she knew was that whatever Madison had just told her wasn't nice.

"Well girls let's get you two packed and out of here." Mother Bolm said a bit more seriously pursing her thin pale lips.


Our departure from the orphanage was as unexpected as our arrival. Mr and Mrs Gillard were both wearing beautiful wealthy clothing when they picked us up. Madison looked over at me at first with guilt then with excitement. I did the same.

"My Beauties!" Mr. Gillard came up to us with open arms embracing us.

"Look at them Helena aren't they just beautiful?" Mr. Gillard said with as much pride as any new father would. Mrs. Gillard looked us up and down leaving me uncomfortable and reminding me of the Nazis.

"Yes they look just precious Franz." that night I ate a plentiful meal, had a hot bath, slept in a gorgeous bed and had a loving family. Just like I had always wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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