Chapter III

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As soon as Rittiny leaves me for her car, a car almost hit me. I was looking both ways and listening. How fast was this car going to have it reach me in less than 5 seconds? In a parking lot.

"Hey!" I yell, picking up my binder.

"I'm so sorry! I-," the man pauses and walks out of his car, "I'm so sorry."

"Just watch where you're going next time. And how fast you're going. Really, you're going to kill someone out here." The man looked unfamiliar. "Hey, are you knew here or something?"

"Uh, actually, yes," he replies. "Name's Thomas, Tom if you want." He extends his arm and I shake it.

"Elleina, or Elle. So, Tom, please be careful. Please.  Bye."

"Bye, I will." He walks off and into his car and drives off after I step off the way.

"People these days," I say to myself. I walk to my car and stumble upon Forest. Again.

"Hey again, Elle." Forest unlocks his car infront of mine.

"Hey, Forest. How's it going?"

"Fine. Going home, you?"

"Like earlier, tired." I unlock my car.

"Well, hope you'll sleep soon." He enters his car.

"Thanks. So do I," I wave and enter my car, back up, and drive off.


After I pick up my sister, I drive her home and enter it with a loud ruckus from inside.

"Stop it! That's mine!" My little brother, Joseph, or Joe, has my older brother, John's, phone.

"'Sep! Give it back!" I yell.

"Why? It's not even yours," he retorts.

"Just stop!"

"Ugh!" Joe puts John's phone in between the cracks of the couch pillows.

"Watch Jasmine! I have to go to work!" I state loudly and leave. I drive to work and let it fly for all I do is push carts. That's for 3 hours. Then, I drive home and do my homework.

After, I shower and dress up, eat, brush my teeth, and sleep at 11.


My eyes open at 5 a.m., dress up for school, then cook. I also wake up my brothers and parents. I say bye as I walk off my house with my college brother and set foot on our own cars.

I drive to school. Do normal school stuff, band, basketball, anything else school. During lunch, I was alone, so I watch Doctor Who in Netflix. I'm so into it that I barely eat my food. I watch the episode with the black cubes with Rory and Amy and the 11th doctor.

"Patience is for wimps!" the doctor says.

That's my life quote right there. Well, one of them, at least. I just wish I can live at least part of my life as the doctor's companion. Even if I could risk my life for him or let him disappear on me, at least I get to live an exciting life (and hopefully remember it).

I finish the episode at the right time because as soon as I put my earbuds down, I hear the bell ring. I pack up and throw my food away, jog to my locker to get the math book I borrowed from Mrs. Berely. I jog to math since it's at the other end of the building from my locker and get there about 5 seconds from the bell.

"Sit down and do the sample problems on the board. These'll be something like what'd be on the tests. You have 3 minutes." And everyone scribbles down the 5 problems and solve them. I finish 1 minute later and check.

"Okay, who has number 1?" And for the rest of the period, we answer question that she gave us.


When the period ends, I walk off, waiting if Forest'd talk to me again.

And he did.

What made him talk to me so suddenly,  after 6 years he'd been here and he only talked to me 2 times without the force of school teachers putting us into groups or partners. All I know is, sadly, he's going to move before the next school year.

I don't want him to go.

"Hey," he says.

"Nice to talk to you again," I respond.

"I like your shirt. Iron Man huh?"

"Yeah, Forever 21."

"Should be Forever 16 for you."

"They should make that. Forever 16. A clothing store from the makers Forever  21."

"Or from Elle Pond. And you should change the name so it won't be like it's plagiarism.  Maybe '16 Everlasting'."

"Or 'Eternally A Teen'."

"Wow, you've got a thing with names. Makes them sound so... formal... and perfect." He just complimented me on my use of words. What!?

"Well, thanks! I'm amazing like that," I say, sarcastically.

"You are," he says, not sounding sarcastic.

"No I'm not. I'm the worst," I say as my opinion if my self.

"What're you talking about? You're funny, and nice, and pretty." Oh no, he didn't.

"I am not pretty! Please don't compliment on my facial features." I don't like compliments calling me pretty, beautiful, cute, or anything like that. I'm a wreck.

"Okay, okay. Don't like compliments huh?"

"Not those types of compliments," I say, trying to cool off.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's okay. I just hate it so much, for some reason. I should be sorry for screaming at you. Forgive-zeez?"

"Okay," he smiles.

He waves off as we pass Dr. Pelat's class. I wave to him as a sign of goodbye as I enter 6th period.

- Hello

I just want to know how you, my reader, feel about my first ever WattPad book and I know it's not the best, but I try.

Also, I will hopefully update at least once a week, if I can.

If you like it so far, I hope you can refer people to read this book.

If you have any suggestions, corrections, or opinions, feel free to comment.

{vote if you like it so far ^^}

~♡ the author, be_awake

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