Chapter Seven

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Madison's p.o.v »»

I'm laying in bed watching TV, munching on some popcorn when my mom rushes in with a big grin on her face, "You won't believe who's here!" She shrieked, throwing the blankets off my body.

"It must be the president if you're running in here, pulling the sheets off my body." I remarked sarcastically.

"Fine, I'll just tell Tyler to come back another time." She said, already walking down the hall.

My eyes widened, tossing the popcorn bowl to the floor, "No!" I shouted, "Just give me a few minutes!" I hollered from my room.

I stood in front of my mirror, pulling my hair out of its sloppy ponytail. Running my fingers through the red locks hurriedly, trying not to spend too much time getting ready. I was about to exit my room when I realized what I was wearing, and quickly stripped out of my pajamas. After struggling to find something, I got frustrated and shrugged on a blue sweatshirt.

I raced to the front door, pausing to catch my breath, before opening it to reveal a causal looking Tyler.

I inhaled deeply, preparing myself for the inevitable conversation.


I didn't get much sleep that night, I spent the majority of it tossing and turning. I was so nervous to start school again, I couldn't think properly. It was around six in the morning when I decided it was no use in trying to sleep, so I got up. I had a little over two hours to get ready, so I walked towards the kitchen.

I wanted to start my morning off to a good start by making breakfast for my parents. After turning the stove on, I searched the fridge for the egg carton. Today's breakfast was going to be very simple. You can never go wrong with eggs and bacon.

I decided to watch the news in the living room while the bacon cooked on the skillet. I lazily sat on the sofa not paying much attention to what the news reporter had to say, until my name was brought up. I sat up, listening intently to the TV now.

I glanced at the headline which read, local teen presumed dead is now alive.

I shuttered at the bold letters, but put my discomfort to the side to see what they had to say about me.

"One of Reed City's residents, Madison Taylor, was reported dead in February of this year, but now she's... alive?" The anchorman said with suspense in his voice, "Tune in after this brief break to find out more." He said, giving the camera a serious look before it flipped to a commercial.

I was so engrossed in what the man on TV had to say, I didn't notice the aroma of burnt bacon in the air.

I pushed myself off the sofa, running to the kitchen.

To my horror, there was a cloud of black smoke looming over the stove. I instantly grabbed a wet towel and tossed it over the pan. That seemed to put the miniature fire out, but the smell still lingered in the air. I made a sour expression, grabbing a febreze can and spraying every inch of the place.

By doing this, I hoped my parents wouldn't notice I almost burned the house down. I glance at the clock and it seems that time got the best of me because it was now seven. I sighed, throwing the ruined food in the trash.

Breakfast will have to wait for another day.

I walked back into my room and sat down on the bed, trying to decide what to do first. I contemplated on what to do first. I settled on doing my hair since it was always the biggest pain to deal with.

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