Chaper Twenty-Seven

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Madison's p.o.v »»»

"Lily? What's wrong? How do you know where I am?" I ask frantically into the phone.

"Maddie, I need you to listen carefully to me." Lily said with all seriousness in her voice- a tone I've never heard come from her before.

I gulped, feeling the beads of sweat build up on my forehead. "Okay," I breathed nervously, "What's going on?"

Lily clears her throat and I hear some shuffling in the background. "Something horrible is going to happen to you if you don't get out of there now." Lily warned.

This made my heart race faster than normal.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, gripping the phone hard until my knuckles turned white.

She sighs and I can slightly hear another voice in the background. "Save your questions for later," she orders, "Tyler's going to visit you tomorrow, and when he does, I want you to listen to everything he tells you to do."

I exhale shakily, glancing at the guard who was now staring at me intently from across the small room. I turn around, facing my back towards him.

"Ok, dad, I miss & love you too, goodnight." I say into the receiver quickly, slamming it back up on the metal. I didn't want to raise any suspicion.

I walk pass the guard slowly. He cocks an eyebrow in my direction, but doesn't say anything. Once I'm passed him, I practically run down the narrow hall to my room.

I take a right down the hallway and slip into my dimly lit room. Sighing, I flop onto the thin mattress. "How'd I get myself into this?" I whisper to myself with my fingers tangled in my messy red hair.

Soon, a nurse walks in unexpectedly with a cold expression on her dark face. She flips the light switch on, revealing herself.

"Um, yes?" I ask, bringing the sheets up to my chin.

She ignores me and instead, pulls Tessa into the room behind her. With a push, Tessa stumbles into the room looking tired with bloodshot eyes.

"Tessa? You okay?" I say, throwing the thin blanket off me and rushing to her side. She nods once, then faints in my arms.

It seems impossible to hold up her dead body weight, but I manage to get her to the corresponding bed next to mine. I check for a pulse, and sigh in relief when I find a faint one.

I roll up her sleeve to see numerous bruises inside her forearm. I gasp at the sight, letting her arm fall back down to her side, lifelessly.

I watch silently, speechless. I'm unsure of what to do with Tessa, until her body starts jerking in every which way violently. I cover my mouth with my hand, watching in shock as the foam spills from her slightly opened mouth.

A group of medics rush in from behind me, aiding to Tessa's almost dead body. I notice a paper sticking out of her pocket and quickly grab it, before moving away from the scene to let the medics revive her.

I unroll the piece of paper and read it.

One girl dead, should we make it two?

A noise bounces off the walls and into my ears, and I soon realize it's a scream, and it's coming from me.

Lily was right, something shady is going on here.


I sit in the rocking chair with my head in between my knees, mumbling incoherent words.

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