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Chapter Soundtrack - Chapter 4: "Under The Table" by Banks


            I slammed the door to my car and ran to the front doors of Sparrow High.  I could hear the first bell ringing and quickly decided there would be no time to stop at my locker as I flew through the entrance and made my way to first period.  I fell into my seat just as the second and final bell buzzed through the building, signaling the start of another day.  I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.  Mr. Plum didn't appreciate tardiness and made it his life's mission to crucify those who dared to not be on time.  I was usually early to school but I had taken extra long getting dressed this morning.  After more time than I would ever admit to anyone, I had finally decided on a hunter green wool sweater with a v-neck and my best pair of jeans.  My collection of accessories was minimal, but I had chosen a pair of large silver hoop earrings.  I finished the outfit with a pair of brown stiletto-heeled boots.  They had been a birthday gift from Gretchen last April.  She had claimed it was against the law for a seventeen-year-old girl to only own sneakers and flip-flops and that I had left her no choice but to save me from incarceration.

            I smiled at the memory.  Today was actually the first time I had worn the boots.  Gretchen should  have warned me I would need to break them in.  My little marathon through the halls hadn't been made any easier by the four-inch spikes the terrorists who had made them liked to call heels.  Now my feet were aching, but I had to admit, they did kind of dress up the rest of my outfit.  I had actually considered borrowing something to wear from Gretchen, but her pretty little head was already swimming with the wrong idea about me and Gabriel.  Not to mention she had a crush of her own on him.  There was no way I could have asked to raid her closet without playing thirty questions.  Besides, I didn't want Gabriel to think I was dressing for him, even if it was the truth.  He had been the cause of a second sleepless night for me.  I was so anxious to meet him that once again, I had tossed and turned all night, my mind racing with more unanswered questions.  What would we talk about?  Would I even be able to talk or would I sit there like a moron, my heart in my throat?  Would he get bored with me and leave halfway through?  Why had he even asked me to lunch in the first place?  The intentions behind his actions towards me were what had me the most perplexed.  If nothing else came out of this lunch, I would somehow find out what his true motives were. 

            "Hey, Athena, cutting it kinda close there.  Did you oversleep or something?  Wait, don't tell me, you had a hot date last night." 

            You could always count on Jackson Montgomery to ruin a perfectly fine moment.  Today was no exception.  I turned my head slightly to see him staring at me, along with several other students who were more than interested in seeing if I would take the bait.

            "Let me guess who it was it Harry Potter or Frodo?" he said, bursting into laughter.  A few other students started snickering also.

            Before I could respond with my own snarky remark, Mr. Plum started the day's lesson.  With one comment, Jackson had tainted my entire mood.  His words were more proof that he and the rest of the senior class thought I had no life outside of books.  I tried to shake my soured disposition and started to count the minutes until I could make my way to the library. 

            Three hours later and my hand was on the door handle.  It had been there for the past five minutes and was now drenched in sweat.  What was wrong with me?  It was just the library.  No.  That was a huge understatement.  I wasn't about to walk into what had been my haven for so long.  This wasn't just my library anymore.  It was my library with Gabriel in it.  That changed everything.

Gabriel & Athena, Book One: Fate  (A Wattpad Featured Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon