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Chapter Soundtrack - Chapter 18: "Howl" by Florence + The Machine AND "Yours and Mine" by Brooke Annibale


Air.  I was going to need some.  Soon.  Gabe seemed to read my thoughts and flipped us over so that I was now enveloped between his body and the bed, his lips leaving mine and slowly making their way to my neck.  I inhaled, not only because of my need for oxygen, but also from the warmth of his kisses against my skin.  Each one ignited the blood underneath, causing small beads of sweat to form all along my body.  I hugged him closer, reveling in the feel of his muscular back against my hands.  I was still in my white tank top and jean shorts, but at some point his t-shirt had magically disappeared.

It had been days since we'd last spent time together, so we were taking full advantage of our time alone at the cabin.  As Gabe started to make his way back up to my lips, he moved my arms from around his body and interlaced our hands, pressing them against the pillows.  It didn't seem possible, but the intensity increased and the only thought coursing through my mind was nothing could ever feel or be better than this.

Gabe removed one of his hands from mine and slowly traced the length of my upper body, stopping at the end of my tank.  Slowly he slid his fingers underneath and lightly caressed my lower stomach, causing me to shiver against him. 

The drumming of my heart was beating so loud that I barely heard the alarm clock on my cell phone going off.  We both seemed to register the sound at the same time as we reluctantly pulled away, staring at each other and gasping for breath.  We'd been at this moment before.  The moment when we'd have to decide whether to heed the warning from my phone that it was time to leave the cabin and head home before raising my parent's suspicions, or throw caution to the wind and give in to our feelings.

As some of my adrenaline started to dissipate, my voice of reason annoyingly crept into my brain, reminding me that Gabe and I had time, and succumbing to our passion tonight wasn't worth risking the loss of spending time with him until we told my parents the truth.

"To be continued?" I said, injecting as much regret as I could into my words. 

"Of course," he smiled, giving me one last kiss before pushing himself off the bed and stretching out his hand to help me up as well.

My flip-flops were near the couch and as I walked over and slid my feet into them, I glanced over at Gabe, who was pulling his t-shirt over his head.  It always amazed me how considerate of my feelings he was.  I couldn't imagine many other boys his age would have been half as chivalrous, but he never pushed me for more.  He had made it clear through his restraint that he was willing to take things at my pace.

He glanced over at me.  "Everything okay?"

I hesitated.  I had contemplated bringing up the subject a few times before, wanting to tell him that in fact I was ready to pick up the pace.  That I wanted to let things progress to the next level.  But I always struggled with beginning the conversation.  "Yeah," I sighed.  "I just wish we didn't have to leave yet."

He smiled, a look of understanding in his eyes.  "Hey, we've got a few minutes.  I actually want to show you something."  He walked over to grab his sketchbook off the wooden table near the kitchen and made his way to me, grabbing my hand and leading me to the couch.

We sat down and he flipped open the book, turning the pages until he came to the one he was looking for.  He glanced over at me, his eyes anxious.  "I was hoping you would tell me what you think of this," he said, handing me the sketchbook.

Gabriel & Athena, Book One: Fate  (A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now