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Girls start arriving at the house after lunch. They dump their coats and rain boots and umbrellas by the front door and start squealing immediately, hugging Hailey. Veronica and I lean against the couch, taking the gifts.

I think Hailey invited five girls, but the only one I know by name is Annabelle. Mom set up a few party games earlier, so they all crowd around in the living room. 

"I'm going to go finish the cake," says Veronica, tucking her hair behind her ears. "What color should I ice it? Pink?"

"Sure," I say. Like I care what color icing is on the cake. 

The doorbell rings and I swing it open. It's Sam.

"Hey!" he says, smiling. He shakes the water from his umbrella and steps inside, a gift-wrapped box under his arm. "Sorry I'm a bit late."

"That's okay," I say, shutting the door before a gust of wind blows rain inside. Hailey didn't get her wish for sun. 

"The decorations look good," he says, glancing around.

"Thanks." To be honest, I'm pretty proud of them. It's not like I've had anything else to do lately. Colorful streamers line the ceiling, sparkly balloons are tied to the backs of chairs, and confetti is scattered on the ground. Okay, maybe the confetti was a bit much. 

"Sam!" Hailey jumps up from the sofa and runs to give him a hug. She's wearing a pink tutu and a blue sweatshirt that Mom let her pick out this morning, and a glittery birthday hat on her head. 

"Happy birthday, Hailey!" Sam says. "Are you seven?"


"Now you're only ten years younger than me."

Hailey beams. I take Sam's gift and put it on the kitchen table with the others, and Hailey drags him to the living room.

"This is Sam," Hailey announces to the other girls, standing in front of the crackling fireplace. "He's my friend."

"Hi!" Sam blushes. 

I join Veronica at the counter as she's spreading a thick layer of pink icing over a vanilla cake. It's too crowded in the living room to move around with my crutches. "Looks good," I say, swiping the icing with my finger.

"Cameron!" She smacks my hand away. "Don't do that."

"What are you going to write on it?"

"I don't know, maybe happy birthday?"

I laugh. "Geez, just asking."

"Yeah, asking the dumb questions." She licks the last of the icing off the butter knife and points it at me. "Didn't Mom ask you to order the pizza?"

"I don't know, did she?"

Veronica nods, so I grab the cord phone and dial the local pizza place. As the monotone ring goes off in my ear, I smile as Mom puts on a song and the girls start dancing. Sam spins Hailey around. 

"Hi, welcome to Papa's Pizza, what can I get for you?"

"What? Oh, hi, sorry. Can I get three large cheese pizzas?"

After the dance party ends, the girls start a game of truth or dare that Sam fortunately gets out of. He, Veronica, and I sit at the table and watch Mom try to control the group.

"I broke my finger playing truth or dare once," says Sam, fingering the edge of the tablecloth. "I was dared to climb a tree, and the branch broke."

Veronica laughs. "That wasn't very smart."

"No, it wasn't." He smiles and looks at me. I think I smile too. Everything feels good, right now. The party, the laughter of Hailey and her friends, the sweet scent of cake batter, even the rain dripping down the window. There's a knock on the door and I clear my throat. 

"I'll get it," I say, grabbing my crutches and heading for the door. I've gotten faster on them. 

It's the pizza man. I pay with cash and balance the hot boxes in one hand, the warm dough smelling delicious.

Mom, who's sitting on the couch, glances at me. "Pizza is here!" she says, clapping her hands. "Let's eat."

And so we do. Hailey opens up her gifts - a set of nail polish, a book, a Barbie doll, and a skipping rope. From Mom, she gets the Barbie Summer Dreamhouse or whatever that she wanted. It's obvious that she likes Sam's gift the best, though.

When she rips it open, she looks up at Sam in awe. "A telescope?"

"Yeah," says Sam, sitting on the arm of my chair. "On a nice night, I can teach you how to use it."

"Wow," breathes Hailey. She runs her hand over the box gently. "I love it."

I know Sam is smiling. She runs up and hugs him.

By the evening, Hailey's friends have been picked up, and the rest of us are sprawled out in the living room, the fire in the fireplace lazily dying out. Veronica is painting Hailey's nails blue with a new nail polish bottle she got.

"Did you have a fun birthday?" asks Veronica. I sigh tiredly and rest my head against the couch pillow, my boot resting on the coffee table. 

"Yeah," says Hailey. "Jackie forgot to bring me a card, but she says she's going to give me one at school tomorrow."

"Well, that's nice."

Sam stretches beside me, pulling the sleeves of his sweatshirt over his hands. He always does that. "Jackie was the one with red hair?"

"Yeah," says Hailey. "Don't tell her I told you, but she has a crush on you."

Sam's cheeks go pink and he smiles. "Okay," he says. "I won't tell her you told me."


After awhile, Hailey goes to her room to play with her new Barbies, and Mom and Veronica run out to the grocery store. Sam and I start a black and white movie. I should be doing homework for tomorrow, but whatever.

I'm close to dozing off when Hailey walks back into the living room. "Hey, Cameron?" she asks.

I wince and rub my face. "Yeah?"

"Do you think my dad will call me?"

Even though the movie is still playing quietly, everything seems to go silent. "Why?" I ask, glancing at Sam.

"I don't know. It's my birthday."

Shit. Where are Mom and Veronica when you need them?

I clear my throat. "Um, I don't..." I shoot Sam a look.

"Well, maybe, Hailey," says Sam. "But maybe not."

Hailey shrugs, digging her toe into the floor. "I was just wondering." But I know she's sad.

"I'm sure he's hoping you have a wonderful birthday," Sam says. "Even if he doesn't call. Right?"

"Yeah," says Hailey slowly.

"Besides, you have a big family here that loves you and wishes you a happy birthday." Sam looks at me.

"Right," I say, finally finding my voice. "We all love you. And wish you a happy birthday."

"Can I watch the movie with you guys?"

"Of course."

She sits between Sam and I and rests her head against my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her when she starts to sniff. Sam and I exchange a look over her head. 

"Thank you," I mouth silently.

I'm glad he's here. 

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