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Someone touches my shoulder, and I jolt up so fast I slam my hand on the table. 

"Ow," I mutter, blinking my vision into focus. The lights are so bright, and people are snickering quietly around me. 

"Mr. Beckett, I would appreciate it if you stayed with the class." Mrs. Godfrey raises her eyebrows at me. "I don't want to keep asking this."

"Sorry," I murmur, rubbing my eyes. She makes her way back to the front of the classroom, her shoes clicking on the floor. 

"Now, if we're all together, let's get back to the periodicity identities. Please look at problem number forty-two..."

The loud noise of papers shuffling makes me wince, and I glance at Ethan.

"Dude," he whispers. "That's like, the fourth time this week you've fallen asleep."

"I haven't been sleeping well."

"I mean, I'm all for taking naps in class, but Mrs. Godfrey is gonna kill you."

I blink quickly and try to focus on the whiteboard, small numbers scrawled messily in pale colors. Equations start to swim and I look back at Ethan.

"It's fine," I say. 

His eyes narrow in concern. "Dude, are you sure you're okay?"


Mrs. Godfrey glares at us and we sit up straighter, staring down at our worksheet. After a moment, Ethan clears his throat and whispers quietly, "Why don't you go to the nurse or something? They let people nap in there."

"I'm fine."

I don't make eye contact with him again until class is over, and he drops it.


You think I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. Stupid.

That's how I end up doubled over in the boards with the wind knocked out of me.

"Cameron?" Ollie Johnson's voice is scared beside me. "Are you okay? I thought you saw me, I just -"

Matthew skates up. "What happened?"

Ethan shakes his head and storms out of the net. "Cameron Beckett, I swear to fucking god -"

"I'm fine," I say, blinking quickly as my vision blurs. Blue jerseys double themselves then go back to one. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. You guys, it's fine."

Coach's voice echoes from the other side of the rink. "Beckett, you're gonna get yourself killed!"

"I'm sorry!" I say. "I'm sorry, I was just out of it for a second."

"You were sleeping again," says Ethan. "Wake the fuck up, man! We have a game tomorrow, and there are some big guys that will smash into you way harder than that."

"I'll be awake," I mumble, and wince.

"Jesus," mutters Ethan.

I lean against the board and rub my eyes through the facemask of my helmet. "I'm awake, I'm awake."

"Do you need to see the trainer?" asks Matthew. Ethan nods beside him.


Ethan waves a gloved hand in front of my face. "Dude, are you gonna pass out?"

"Ethan, stop!"

"Beckett," says Matthew through gritted teeth. "We have a big game tomorrow. We'd rather you go to the trainers now than in the middle of the game."

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