Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"Nina." Leah began to say slowly. "You're not thinking straight. You do want the baby, you do."

I shook my head. "I don't want it. It's going to be like him."

Leah scoffed. "So? That's your baby, a part of you. What does it matter who the father is? That baby is yours, nothing can ever change that."

I groaned and sat down on the sofa. "I don't know what to do."

"Killing your baby isn't an option."

My head snapped towards Leah. "I'm not, I-"

"That's is exactly what you will be doing if you have an abortion." Leah stated firmly.

"You think I want that? That I want to have an abortion?" I questioned standing back up again. "You know I don't agree with that, but my head is pounding right now. All I can think about is that my baby is going to be a monster. It's not going to be human! What am I supposed to do, huh?"

"So what? Is killing an innocent baby going to make you any less of a 'monster' you think Gabriel and your unborn child are?" Leah fired back at me looking furious.

"It's not- it's not a-"

"It is a baby." Leah interrupted me. "Your baby. It doesn't matter if he or she isn't here yet, you've heard the heartbeat of your baby, seen the pictures of your baby growing inside you. You're going to kill your baby just because you're scared?"

I looked away from Leah's piercing gaze. "I don't want to talk about this."

"Fine, do whatever you want. I know you better than you know yourself, if you do this you will regret it. We both know you will." With that Leah left the room leaving me with only my thoughts.

I stood where Leah left me for a few minutes as I tried to process everything before I slowly headed towards my bedroom. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it. My head was pounding, everything I saw and heard today going through my mind at a very rapid speed. I kept replaying everything over and over again before I clutched my head and slid down the door.

Why is this happening to me?

Gabriel is a... Werewolf. He's a freaking Werewolf! This is real life, Werewolf don't exist, they shouldn't exist. He shouldn't exist.

How can I move on from this? Everything has changed, nothing will ever be the same. The way I look at the world will change, every time I see someone I'll always have that fear that they could be one too. How am I supposed normally with this knowledge? I know fully understand the phase 'ignorance is a bliss.' Wasn't I much happier before I knew this?

The important question is what do I do now?

I can't change the past but whatever I do now will shape or change the future.

I forced myself to stand up and I slowly walked over to the bathroom. I reached the sink and looked at the mirror above it. My eyes were red and puffy as if I had been crying for several hours. Tearing my eyes away from my reflection I began to splash cold water onto my face. Grabbing the towel near the sink, I dried my face and walked back into my room.

I sat down onto the bed and my eyes fell new sonogram picture Gabriel had given me after Josh ripped my old one. I grabbed the picture, my hands trembling as my fingers traced the picture.

My baby.

Could I do it? Could I actually abort my baby?

No, I couldn't do that.

I looked down at my slightly swollen stomach and grimaced, I honestly never thought I would ever be in this position. I never thought I would ever consider having an abortion.

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