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The Hong Kong concert went very well and fans were excited.  The boys put on a killer show and left the stage for the last time, retreating to their dressing room to collapse, take a quick group shot, and then get into dry clothes. 

Jimin fell onto a small, leather love-seat and took the bottle of water that was offered to him by one of the staff.  He sighed wearily as Yoongi flopped down onto the sofa next to him.  He screwed the lid back on his water bottle and started to get up.  He wasn't in any kind of mood to talk to anyone, even Yoongi.  He had just faked his way through a concert for the first time ever and he hated himself. 

"Mini, can we talk for a moment?"  Yoongi grabbed his hand as he started to walk away. 

"Hyung, can it wait?  I'm really tired," said Jimin softly, being extra careful to avoid the ever present cameras.  He was hyper-sensitive to them today when normally he hardly noticed they were there.  He didn't want to be on film this time.  He was too transparent and everyone would know something had been wrong with Park Jimin once the Bomb or concert footage was released. People would speculate, one country's fandoms accusing another of putting their dear Jimin into a foul humor.  He shook his head slightly as he looked down at Yoongi's large hand gripping his wrist. 

"No. It can't. Sit."  Yoongi took on a firmer tone and Jimin had no choice but to comply.

"I talked with Taehyung before the concert.  He's worried about you."  Yoongi stared at the side profile of his friend.  Taehyung had been a bit upset that morning over the fact Jimin wasn't talking to him and that he had yet to see him eat one single thing that day and he had been watching too. Yoongi had shrugged it off but as he watched Jimin during the concert, he could tell that he wasn't being genuine like he usually was.  He was faking.  His smiles never reached his eyes and his usually high energy was only slightly subdued, but enough that Yoongi had noticed. 

"Taehyung has nothing to worry about.  It's none of his business anyway."  Jimin scowled down at the innocent water bottle.  He wanted to just go to bed and sleep off his bad mood.

"It is.  It's all of our business.  Look, Mini, if this is about those pictures-"

"With all due respect, hyung, Nari is my problem.  No one else's.  I wish people would let me be about it." 

"Don't interrupt me," grumbled Yoongi, now frowning deeply.  "It's obvious she was set up or something.  I don't really know her, but if you like her she must be someone pretty special and someone with integrity."

"I don't know what to believe anymore," whispered Jimin, twisting the bottle around in his clammy palms.  A staff member came over and encouraged the two men to get changed and hand over their stage outfits. 

"You believe her, that's what you believe," said Yoongi, slowly and softly.  "Until she proves otherwise, you take her side and you believe her. Taehyung said she was really upset. He's pretty good at reading people, you know that. If he thought she was lying, he wouldn't be standing up for her." 

He watched as Jimin shook his head in confusion and ran a trembling hand through his hair.  "Just give her a chance to explain her side of it.  We all know how these celebrity gossip columns can be.  You're choosing to believe some grainy photos taken in the dark over the woman you've obviously fallen in love with."

Jimin's eyes popped open wide and his face turned quickly to look Yoongi in the eye.  "Love?  I wouldn't go that far, hyung."

"Whatever.  I call it like I see it.  This whole thing bothers you so much because you have some deep feelings for this girl.  Just admit to it and own it."  Yoongi laid a strong hand on Jimin's shoulder and squeezed it gently.  "Give her a chance, Mini.  Don't shove her away without at least giving her the opportunity to explain."  He patted Jimin's arm once more before standing up and moving to a small changing room. 

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