Chapter One

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Baseball has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember, being the daughter of a baseball player to a lot of people may seem like an automatic reason, but what a lot of people don't know is that my love for baseball came from years of watching my dad play baseball for different teams around the major leagues and knowing that playing was the thing that made him the happiest in the world. No matter what city or what organization just being on the field wearing that major league uniform made him the happiest man. He loved spending time with me and mom but the smile he had on the field, was unmatched. 

Those who knew my dad well enough weren't surprised to see the dark turn his life took when his career ended earlier than he wanted it to. Due to the many injuries, he had to suffer throughout the years. As much as he wanted to deny it, his body was giving up on him. He made multiple attempts to prolong his career, he played in winter leagues in the Caribbean, summer leagues in Mexico, but the end was inevitable his body couldn't handle it and neither did his marriage. 

My dad went from loving baseball and being all about it to barely even watching a  game. He wasn't the same person. My dad had always promised my mom that after his retirement they would be able to finally enjoy life. Travel around the world, learn new cultures, explore new things, but depression took over him, he wasn't himself. he didn't know what to be, his whole life he had been a baseball player that's all he knew. My mom couldn't handle it so she left.

As soon as I heard the doorbell ring. I ran towards the door. 

"Good Morning, Isabelle" A man in his late 40s greeted me. Michael Sanders was standing on the other side of the door. he looked older than I remember. I was young when my dad played for the Yankees Mike Sanders was only an assistant back then. He used to be in charge of the player's family. he was always the one accomodating us whenever we went to the games. He worked his way to the top though I wasn't sure of what his role in the organization was now, he has been the one calling dad for the last couple of weeks, trying to make him come and work for the Yankees. 

"Good morning, Mr. Sanders" I greeted him.

"Please call me, Mike. Is your dad home?" he asked with a polite smile giving me a warm hug, "You are so big now," 

"Please sit down, I'll get dad"  I managed to say after he let go of me.

I made sure that Mike felt comfortable and made my way to my dad's room. I knock on his door and waited for his response. "Hey Dad, Mike is here" 

A couple of minutes later he opened the door with a big smile on his face. This was a genuine smile. I hadn't seen one of those in a while. No matter how much he tried to deny it. I knew that he was really happy to even be considered for a job with such a big organization. 

"Thank you, honey,"  he squeezed my shoulder before making his way to the living room.

I was so curious to hear what was this meeting about. That I made every excuse to hang around, made them coffee and even mini sandwiches.  Of course, dad knew that I was trying to be sneaky and stopped talking every time I walked into the room. So I gave up and went back to my room. He had mentioned a couple of things but wasn't very clear as to what was the job. part of me thinks that he just didn't want to get too excited in case he didn't get it. Ever since mom left we had grown so close. He is truly my best friend. 

I heard a soft knocked on my bedroom door. Followed by my dad's head popping on the door. 

"Hey, honey," he walked in and sat on the bed.

"How was the reunion?" I asked, unable to read his facial expression.

"They are offering a position with the big team," 

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