Chapter Five

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I woke up at around 9:30 AM. I felt so tired it was unbelievable. My body was making me pay for taking advantage of it the day before. 

After I took a long hot shower I tried to think where I had left my phone the night before. I reached over one of the night stands next to my bed and found it inside one of the drawers. It was very low on battery but there were a couple of missed calls and text messages.  They were all from Stephanie.

I called her. She pick up the phone after it rang three times.

"Hey!, sleeping beauty" I heard her  sing in the other end of the line.

"Good morning, Stephanie!"  I said still half asleep.

"Do you have plans for today?" She asked.

"No, well. I'm going to the game later" I said a little confused because she probably knew that already.

"Meet me by the front desk of the hotel in half an hour,  would you?" 

"Yes of course! where are you taking me?" I asked. She didn't answer right away.

"I don't know let's explore" Stephanie said after a couple of seconds of silence

"See you then" 

I got ready and took the elevator a couple of floors up because my dad had told me that he was staying on the 7th floor.  I stepped in front of the room 713 which is the one my dad told me he would be at so  I knocked on the door. 

My dad opened the door  and a huge smile spreed across his face.

"Good morning, honey!"  My dad said .

"Hey, dad!" I hugged him.

"Did you have lunch already?" My dad asked.

"I'm meeting  Stephanie in a little bit! do you have any plans for today?" 

"Actually yes, I'm  going to play some golf with some old friends!" He said.I smiled. That played baseball for a couple of teams & being the awesome man that he is and always has been able to keep all the friendships that he made while he made on his playing days.

"That's great, don't get too tired before the game" I joked.

"Yes, ma'am!" Dad joked.

"Okay, I'll see you later!"  I said hugging him again.

"Love you, honey!" Dad said kissing the top of my head.

I walked to the other side of the hallway to get into the elevator. I saw that the elevator door's was about to close as I turned in the corner and I started to run towards it. Who ever was inside heard my steps because the elevator's door opened again. I stepped into the elevator as soon as I could.

"Thanks!" I said almost out of breath without really looking at who was in the elevator.

"No, problem!"  I looked up immediately as I recognized that male deep voice.

"Hey!" I said when Aaron's eyes met mine.

"Good morning, Isabelle" I love the way he says my name. It sounds like a melody, my name has never sounded so good before.

"Good morning, Aaron" I managed to say as I slowly got lost in his smile.

"How are you?" I asked trying to sound as casual as possible.

"I'm good! yourself?"  He asked as the elevator doors opened because we had reached the lobby of the hotel.

"I'm good!, I think that my body is getting used to Seattle time!" I joked. Aaron Laughed.

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