Chapter 12

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Elenor's PoV:

"So, what happened? because we are all confused," Rodney asks us as we all ate breakfast on the kitchen island. To be honest, I can only tell them so much because I wouldn't know how to explain it to them.

"Okay, so what happened is that to protect the baby a sacrifice, I guess you could say, had to be mad. That is why I went into a coma. Also, because protecting the baby drained a lot of my energy, so my wolf was weak. But everything is fine now, so moving on." I tell them because I truly don't want to talk about it.

When you go into total darkness, it is different for us elements. For us, we see the worst thing that has ever happen to us over and over. It is the memory on repeat, and I had to watch my pack and family be killed on a repeat.

I look at Jem as a way of telling her to help me that I don't want to talk about it. She nods and takes her phone out, making a call. To who, I don't know, but it gets everyone's attention.

"Hey Rob, just calling to see if the situation is fixed or if we need to head down there and handle it ourselves," She says on the phone once they answer. It takes me a while to remember that before this, there was a situation at the company.

"He wants to talk to you says it's important," Jem says as she hands me the phone. I take it and debate if I should take the call here or go to a more private room. I just shrug and answer the call.

" Hey, so there is this new girl that they are sending to us. Remember you asked if we could transfer a girl from the other company to ours. Just to see how well they are trained and also to see if she is good enough to stay here and permanently work here," Rob tells me. To be honest, I had forgotten about this. " Oh, and remember she is like you special," he says, whispering the last part.

Yes, Rob knows about us; his whole family has worked for the company for years, so he knows as the others of his family did. I think for a moment and realize that the girl will have to stay with us, or she will be considered a rogue and could get attacked.

"Give me a minute," I tell Rob. I look at Alex and ask, "Hey, so this girl for work is coming to us for about two weeks. She kind of needs to stay with us because she is a werewolf and will be considered a rogue and could get attacked. So can she stay here?"

"Uhm sure, but she will have to stay here. I don't want there to be problems at the packhouse because, to them, she will be a rogue." He tells me while looking at the other guys, who just nod at him.

"Okay, Thanks," I say to him and tell Rob the arrangements and hang up. "She will be here in two days. Can you make sure you or someone goes to pick her up, but I would prefer you to go. Also, make sure to schedule a personal meeting with her. Another thing make sure all the documents are sent to Rob he needs them to file them, and we also need to look for an assistant for you, so you don't have too much piled up on you. Maybe we will make the new girl start there till we find a suitable one." I tell Jem when I'm off the phone. She nods while everyone else stares at us with their mouths open.

" How do you guys do that?" Ashley asks us, amazed that we, well I, just got out of a coma and have barely slept. Jem looks at me, and we just shrug like it's nothing, and to be honest, it isn't.

"We are used to it. Anyways what are we doing today?" Jem asks them.

"Well, we did have the pack cookout today, but if you guys are tired, we can cancel it," Alex tells us, and I love the fact that he is making sure that we are okay with it.

"No, it's fine, don't cancel it all we need is a hot shower and maybe two hours of sleep," I tell him. I honestly still fill exhausted, but I don't want people to think that I am a terrible Luna before I even become Luna. I'm still scared as hell about it, but my wolf isn't, and I have learned to trust her instincts.

Caleb and Ashley left to their house, Rodney went to his room and so did Jem with Josh. That left Alex and me in the kitchen alone.

"Come on; I will show you our room. Oh, and don't worry, there is a couch in there if you want the bed to yourself," he tells me. He and I both know that he will not be sleeping on the couch. He has been sleeping in the same since the first night, and it also helps me sleep better. We walk up the stairs and turn into a hallway that looks to have only Four rooms in it.

"This is our room

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"This is our room. I hope you like it. I had it redecorate, so it had some color to it." He says as he opens the door to the room.

I walked in and was amazed at how big the room was. He showed me everything and told me that all my clothes have already been put in the huge closet. He then showed me the bathroom and let me take a shower. After that, he just let me sleep and told me he would wake me up in time for the pack cookout.

I am nervous about this cookout; the whole pack will be there. Even those I was not able to meet yesterday when we arrived. I will also be giving the Luna title even though Alex hasn't marked me. He said it was okay that we would get to that but that his pack needed their Luna, so I will officially be the Luna.

4 hours later....
I woke up feeling so much better after my nap. When I opened my eyes, I saw that my legs were on top of Alex, but not only that, his hand was up my shirt. I wanted to punch him, but first I grabbed my phone and took a picture. Then I debated how to wake him up.

I couldn't wake him up though he hadn't slept, and if I get up and leave without telling him, he will go Godzilla trying to find me. It is currently 1 in the afternoon, and the cookout didn't start for another 4 hours, so I will let him sleep a little longer. I just lay here for about another twenty minutes playing on my phone until he starts waking up.

"Afternoon sleeping beauty. Let me ask you, are you comfortable?" I ask him trying to mess with him. It took him a while to see the position we were in. He was about to apologize but stopped when I started laughing.

"You looked like a baby sleeping so peaceful. It so adorable, and now it is my lock screen picture. See," I say, showing him my phone. He is trying to keep a straight face but fails. He starts laughing and hides his face in my chest.

"Come on; we have to get ready to leave for the packhouse." I tell him as I push him off me and get up.


Hope you Enjoyed

Edited 04/25/20

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