Chapter 27

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Elenor's PoV:

"Jake nice to see were your loyalty lays," Jem says.

"Of course, it would lay with my father. He has shown me everything I know. Plus, I don't want to be you guys when you see what he has planned," Jake says.

"Enough! So, shall I enlighten your mates on all the stuff you have hidden from them," Daniel says.

"You do, and I will kill you," Jem half growls at him.

At that moment, I knew that Jem wouldn't be able to handle it if her mate knew the truth.

"Why? Don't you want your mates to know they are with killers? All the lives you are trying to save to make up for all you have taken. Or did you forget what you cause Jem," Daniel told her, laughing.

"SHUT UP," Jem said, using her element.

"Jem, get control of your anger, or our plan will fail. Remember, no matter what happened in our past, Josh loves you. He will always love you," I tell her through our mindlink.

She only nods, and this causes Daniel to stop laughing because she is calm. He wants us mad because it's the only time our elements take complete control and are at their strongest. He wants that so he can take them away from us. After all, he is the only one that can take them from us.

"You think this will make us mad go ahead, tell my mate everything. I Don't Care," I told him.

"Why would I do that you, my dear have always been my favorite. You're the one that holds all the elements and the one that will birth the strongest creature to have ever been seen. It just won't be the virus you are carrying right now," he says.

I automatically put my hand on my stomach, something that I hadn't told anyone. I haven't even told my mate. The father of the pup growing inside me.

"I can tell by everyone's reaction you hadn't told them. I wouldn't think of it much that thing won't be in you much longer. I will make sure to rip it out of you," He says with a smirk on his face.

"Elenor is it true," Alex asks me through our mindlink. He sounds a little mad and he has every right to be. I hid from all of them that I was pregnant and I had Aya hid the scent of the pup so he wouldn't notice the change in mine.

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone," I tell all of them, not just Alex.

I hear Alex tell the pack that no matter what to protect me. As their Luna is carrying the future alpha of the pack. This causes the pack to go on full alert. While we were distracted, Daniel took that opportunity to get closer. When I put my attention back on him, I saw he was just a couple feet away from us. I guess it's time to end this.

"You see, the cute part is that you think we only had one plan. Remember what I told you on that field that night. Your death will be more painful than anything you have ever felt in your life, and it will," I say.

Then Mark and some of his men drag the beta, third in command, and his top warrior into the feild. They bring them in front of us and make them kneel facing him.

"You see, I knew your son would tell you our plan, so I had a backup. I'm going to take away three of the most important people in your pack," I say, and as soon as I'm done, they are laying on the ground dead.

"Let's not forget I promised you that your death will be more painful than anything you have ever experienced," I say and nod. At that moment, Jake injects him with a syringe that contained a mixture of wolfsbane and silver. Two of the most deadly poisons for a wolf.

"What's the problem father you think I would choose you over my mate," he says and walks towards us. He walks past us and goes to Amber who was behind the boys. Everyone is surprised except Jem and me; we had them hide it for this exact reason. We needed everyone that he wasn't on our side.

"The betrayal of your son must hurt Daniel," I say half laughing. Then his pack starts to appear to defend their alpha.

"Kill them! Kill them all," Daniel screams at his pack.

"Attack," Alex tells the pack.

The boys make a circle around the girls and me. The twins are taking people out with their weapons while Jem, Jane, Ashley, and I circle Daniel.

"You thought that we would let you win. We have always known what you had planned and have been preparing to take you out. You are so stupid, Daniel," I tell him.

"It's funny how you think that killing me will stop all this. You killing me will only make things worse the fight will continue. My bloodline will continue with my son, and I don't mean the traitor who chose a weak mate over his family," he says.

" Oh, you mean the son you have kept hidden don't worry, Magnus and Marcela are taking care of him. Actually, you should be filling his death right about now," I say, and he starts screaming in pain. I then see Magnus and Marcela appear and join the fight.

The most painful thing for any wolf is losing their mate or pup. He just lost both of his pups, so the pain is ten times worse than it would typically be.

"I told you your pain would be more painful than anything you have ever experienced. You should never doubt me," I tell him.

He passes out from the pain. His death will not come to him that soon and he will suffer more pain for all he has done.

At that moment, all of us give our elements half control. We help our pack take out his pack.


Hope you Enjoyed

Edited 05/03/20

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