The Future

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A few quick things before we begin:

1. This book is originally made by Littlewolf65. She came up with the whole plot line and wrote this prologue and the first two chapters, and she's allowed me to write the rest plot into chapters. Go and check out some of her other books because she is an amazing writer.

2. I'll keep updates as frequent as possible, but I will miss updates here and there due to school work.

3. Enjoy!

Technology... The way of the future...

The year is 3021. And our world has evolved.

Notch, one of the greatest coders to have ever lived, has constructed a mainframe that finally connects the entire world. All data, secrets and lives are safe and secure now with this. It is a world within a world, a virtual paradise within an actual paradise.

Humans have finally closed the gap between war and peace, between reality and fantasy, between science and magic.

Wars rarely occur anymore and are quickly resolved. Poverty and crime are at an all-time low and peace reigns supreme.

But like all good things, there are those that seek to destroy it.


Viruses are monsters, no, codes living inside the mainframe. They can resume a human form, but they lack compassion, remorse and love. No one knows how they were made; some say they are the remains of unused data, floating within cyberspace that formed a new purpose for themselves. Some say they are the work of Hackers, created simply for the sake of it. Others call them out to be rogue AI's.

Whatever the reason, they only strive to complete one goal.

Cause chaos.

Viruses can sneak their way into mainframes and wreak all sorts of havoc. They feed off our codings, our data, our hope and seek to destroy all that we have worked to achieve. They steal savings, coding, vital information our society holds dear and destroys it.

Then hope was made again.

To combat these viruses, a new system was born. We call them the Glitches.

When the world was at the mercy of the viruses, these souls stepped forward and pledged their lives to one goal, one cause. To eliminate all viruses.

They were changed and became the defenders of our systems. They are the perfect merge between human and coding, capable of living life among us, but are able to enter the mainframe of the world and combat the viruses.

They keep our world, our society, our hope alive.

But this battle is never ending, new glitches and new viruses are always made, always fighting, always dying.

This fight is everlasting.

So what happens when a new virus, unlike the others, enters the mainframe?

One that can actually feel?

System Failure (An Adesa Fanfic) [Originally by Littlewolf65]Where stories live. Discover now