14. End The Inevitable

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Chapter 14

Kira's POV

I couldn't be happier to be stepping back onto the familiar soil of La Push. The scent of the damp forest wafted into my nostrils, carried through the cool breeze of the fresh La Push air. A smile subconsciously tipped my lips up.

In saying this, I had enjoyed being in Australia, my home country. I had missed everyone dearly, so it felt fulfilling to see them again and catch up. Will and the group hosted a party a couple of days after my arrival, which made me reminisce on how it used to be. It was simply nice to be i their company, whether that be to loud music or simply sitting on the couch in Will's garage chatting up a storm.

The 'emergency', as my mother had put it during our phone call, was simply to bring me back to Australia with little complaint. My mother had made herself more busier with the projects she was working on and the foundation she was apart of, and so she believed it would be best to stay in La Push during my high schooling. That way as well we could have the space we needed to properly grieve, since living under the same roof hadn't agreed with us the first time. I agreed. La Push had certainly grown on me.

Then, only to worsen matters, my time in Australia was extended by my mother when she learnt that an interested donor family for the foundation she worked for (who was hoped to make significant donations) had a son the same age as me. Initially Ryan, the said son, didn't seem too interested in pursuing a relationship, which I was glad about since I didn't want to pull myself into a serious commitment particularly with everything feeling at odds at the current time. My break up with Dustin still felt fresh and my conflicting emotions about Paul were reeling through my mind, so I was glad when we mutually agreed not to make something out of, what was really, nothing.

However, overnight, Ryan seemed to show confident interest in me and combined with my mothers consistent nagging, we decided to 'talk'. It was odd at first but I accepted it because, truthfully, it was easier. It was easier because it kept my mother happy while I was at home. While he seemed very sweet, something was off about him, but I brushed it off as bitterness I was actually feeling towards my mother. Her persistence went as far as her inviting him to join me for a short vacation to La Push, which he accepted enthusiastically. We hadn't been too intimate with one another except for a couple of kisses that had been shared and, yet, Paul had been in my mind the whole time. Eventually I'd have to tell Ryan about my non-existent feelings for him, but at the moment I couldn't for the sake of my mother.

"This place looks...cosy" Ryan's voice broke my train of thought, as he dropped my bag by my side.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" I couldn't help the grin that stretched across my lips. He paused for a moment before clearing his throat.

"Sure." I picked up my bag and walked up the steps of the front porch. I wasn't sure how I was going to be greeted but I had called Emily and Sam first to make sure that I was still welcomed back into their home. While the conversation hadn't felt like it's usually bubbly tone, it was better than when I had left and I supposed I had time to thank for that. Some time and the distance, I think, helped us all deal with my decisions and the consequences that followed.

"It's nice to see you, Kira" Emily greeted me with a smile and stood from her chair to embrace me. I made a sound of surprise at the gesture and returned it. Sam stood up from the table and stood behind Emily, his eyes narrowed at Ryan standing behind me with curiosity.

"Thank you for welcoming me back." Emily smiled and glanced over my shoulder.

"And this must be Ryan?" Emily questioned with a tight smile. I noticed her tone wasn't overly bubbly and I received the impression that she wasn't thrilled about my company. This was definitely not how I wanted to return to La Push, particularly with the massive secret in the house, but my mother had insisted and Emily was just too nice.

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