51. Her Past

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Chapter 51

Kira's POV

She mentally tortured him. She told him she would take me away from him and he pictured it. He pictured the mornings, the afternoons and the nights without me. He pictured life without me and caved in. The possibility of her taking me away killed him, but angered his wolf. 

How could a mother do such a thing to her child? At the beginning I presume it was simply a quest to find a way to stop or prevent Paul from shifting, but then she went deeper. She discovered others like witches and warlocks and knew she could do better or worse with this supposed cure. She killed under Paul’s name and become one of the most feared hunters we have ever seen. I can't believe I wasn't told of her before today. Considering her past, more with magic then Paul, I should have been informed about her and prepared to take her on. But I never was. 

"What are you thinking about?" Paul asked softly as we laid under the sheets, intertwined. I was hugged into his chest with his arms wrapped around my waist. 

"Ryder" I admitted. He frowned. 

"Why are you thinking about him?" Paul asked with annoyance in his tone. 

"Not like that Paul," I rolled my eyes, "I just don't know why he didn't tell me before about the Huntress. It would have been nice to know how to defeat her". He shifted and ran his hand down to my thigh, where he wrapped his arm around it and wrapped my leg around his waist. 

"That is something you can take up with him. I on the other hand has forgotten and cares less about the Huntress. I'd just like some alone time with my beautiful girlfriend" he confessed.

"Considering its just you and me here, I'd probably refer to this as alone time already" I teased him grasping a handful of his shirt. 

"Yeah well..." He trailed unable to save himself. I laughed and buried my head in his chest again. "What's that?" I pulled away from our embrace and looked over my shoulder at the box full of letters that sat on my bedside table. 

"It's a box full of letters that Will while I was here. As bad as it sounds I didn't even know he had a passion for writing. I was so bloody stupid" I rolled my eyes at myself. I still hadn't gotten over the fact that I had been so blind-sided by grief and anger that I didn't even see my best friends passion. 

"I'm sure you weren't that bad" Paul said, though I know it was only to make me feel better. 

"I was a pain in the ass. Here," I pulled away from his embrace and sat up. He sat up on the bed as well as I leaned over and pulled the box into my lap. I pulled out the letter that held memories of when I was fifteen. "Read this". I passed the envelope to him. He opened it and read out loud:


School sucks. I can not stand the other people, other then the guys, and the teachers; the grumpy, PMSing teachers that I want to just pull a zip over their mouths to shut them up. I don't know why but I, myself, have been grumpy and snappy lately. I nearly had a go at Nathan for revving my bike a bit too high for my liking. Anyway I miss you, we miss you.

I remember that time, when we were in Year Nine, when we went to the school late at night and smeared superglue between the doors. No one could get into school the next day and school was delayed half of the day. Oh good times. 

Then when you used to ride your skateboard in the hallways—yeah that was some good days. The amount of times Mr Turner told you off for that...I'll never forget... 

Paul continued reading the letter in his head and frowned at certain parts whilst others, a smirk would break out on his lips. Once he finished he put the letter down and looked up at me with an expression I couldn't understand. Even as I peeked into his emotions I got many mixed feelings.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora