Chapter Three

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Chapter 03

THE path was becoming too bright. Too open and then too dense in others. He had went to meet the boats – and was successful, however, on his way back, he was assaulted by trolls. They stripped him of his gifts for his daughters and left him with nothing but his horse, a dry crust of bread, and the clothes on his back. No water. No wine. No gifts. No jewels. No boots even. On top of it all, he was lost. The horse had run away and came back to him after they left. It had lay down on it's side next to him and let him grab some of it's mane and work his way on it's back. But daylight was close to arriving. The mists were becoming visible to even the humans whom he remained veiled from. The path was becoming more difficult. The cold was already deep into his very bones. He began to think he could not go on. He prayed for a miracle, but didn't dare hope for one. Yet one came in the form of a pixie. The little one cooed to him, and after flying about him as a large firefly, examining the damage done to him, she 'tsk'ed and laid a kiss on his nose. She flew next to the horse's ear and whispered in it. She then flew up ahead of them and waved at them to follow her.

Wil-O-Wisp she may be, but she was forbidden to trick her own kind. So, follow he did and then after a hard bunch of road, and hidden behind a waterfall of tree limbs and leaves was a kinder path. Which after he turned a corner, led to a manor down the hill. It was hidden as if in a bowl of ferns, trees and flowers. It gleamed with light of the Fae, as did the center of every plant. Each tree held a slight blush of gold or silver. All around it... climbing and in individual bunches were roses. Roses of all kinds. But sadly he did not see the same roses his sweet last daughter wanted. The pixie led him down into the gorge, urging him off his white horse, which pulled away with a loud neigh of refusal, chose to find it's way to an easier terrain and to a welcoming bunch of growth in the woody areas.

The doors opened by unseen hands. The bricks and walls shimmered with magic. The atmosphere was thick with it. Even he, a creature of magic, almost choked on it. The pixie flew ahead of him and led him into a room filled with food and wine. The walls were adorned with every manner of sparkling thing, from golden candle holders to silver, bejeweled picture frames. As he neared he seen berries, nuts, roasted chicken, deep red wine and fruits of all kinds. All of it was laid out on a table of ebony wood, with a shimmering silver tablecloth. The cups and dishes framed each piece of succulent morsel with gold and silver.

The stones were white, and tinted with gold and silver glitter. It would be blinding in the sunlight... However, this had to be the home of a Fae, which meant this mansion was meant to be seen in the moonlight. Most likely, he mused, the humans couldn't even see it. He had stopped in the doorway perusing the scene before him with appreciation. The pixie however, had flown over to the table and was literally flying about the top of it like it had drunk a whole barrel of mead and was chasing imaginary beings. A glowing train of gold was following it as it spun it's course in excitement. It rained down like a shower upon the food. The man came forward finally and sat down in the lone chair. All at once the fireplace, which had remained stone cold, roared to life bathing the room in an orange glow.

The man waited a few moments for the master of the home to reveal himself. Then he heard on the wind a quiet, tinkling voice say, "Eat. T'is for you."

He couldn't make out if it was a male or female voice – a child or a grown man. It was as if the wind itself had spoken. This did not unnerve him. After all, the unusual was the normal in their realm – especially if he was dealing with a High Fae. Only a High Fae, one that was in the court of Oberon himself could have a home like this.

"Very well," He did not thank him – for such a thing was insulting to a Faerie. He picked up the fork of silver and took a chunk out of the chicken along with a helping of many of the fruits. The erratic pixie settled on to the table as well and took nibbles out of the nuts and grapes. He ate until he was sure he would burst and found himself growing sleepy. The pixie shot up as if alerted or ordered to do something and flew to his side, grabbing his shirt sleeve and tugging on it. She pointed ahead out into the corridor he had come in that led to the main hall. He followed her in suit and she led him up a long stairway and down another shimmering hall into a bedroom. Its furnishings were so luxurious that he thought he had already fallen asleep.

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