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It has been 2 weeks since Rosita stayed in home World.

Blue Diamond and her pearl always kept an eye on Rosita no matter what. And if Blue Diamond has a meeting with her court she always assign Ruby guards to guard her. Blue Diamond even made a bedroom for her near her bedroom.

Today Rosita was eating a bowl of home world fruits for breakfast. The looks of the fruit is indigo with purple dots. She loved it. But she does have Earth agriculture like crops and farm animals like chicken and cow. They don't know what's the purpose of them so the Home world Gems turned it into a Earth Culture Museum. When Rosita thought about them they turned it into Home world Earth Farm for Rosita to eat Earth food if she wants.

Yellow and White Diamond sometimes comes back to Home world from their business trip from their other colony to check on Rosita. Rosita manage to be less terrified from pearls which they are happy. And Gems started addressing her 'My Amulet' the Diamond's isn't comfortable calling her Diamond so they call Amulet instead.

Rosita was eating her last fruit.

"Enjoying eating your fruit little one.?" Blue Diamond asked and Rosita nodded.

Rosita stare at the window. And see a lot of stars. Home world is always night. Rosita only sleeps if she feel like to.

Blue Diamond smiled and look at her pearl.

"Pearl tell my court the meeting will be delayed."

"Yes My Diamond." And with that Blue Pearl type at her holographic messenger to send the court a message.

Blue Diamond began to think.

"Pearl.... Pearl.... Pearl...I GOT IT." Blue Diamond got an i idea.

Rosita who was sitting on her lap faced her. Rosita tilted her head.

Blue Diamond cleared her throat.

"Rosita. Why don't you make your own pearl."

"But why??" Rosita asked.

Blue Diamond smiled and sigh.

"So there will be someone who will take care of you when I'm not here. Someone who could keep you company and make you clothes." Blue Diamond explain

Rosita look down. She look at her dress. A long sleeve dress that reach her knees.

"Okay. But how?" Rosita asked.

"Just think about making a pearl."

Rosita nod and focus on her power. And Blue Diamond observing if she really is Pink Diamond's daughter.

Rosita eyes glowed and she began to levitate she reach Blue Diamond's face. Then pink wings pop out of her back. Blue Diamond beginning to be interested. And Rosita's Quartz Gem glowed and shattered but became a Diamond. Diamond now replaced quartz. She flap her pink wings and a pink pearl come out at her now pink Diamond. And now her wings poof and she fell  but Blue Diamond caught her with her hand and placed her on her lap.

Blue Pearl caught the pink Pearl and it began to transform.

She has the same hair as Blue pearl but it's pink and her bangs doesn't cover her eyes. And her clothes the same with yellow pearl but pink. Her gem was on her belly same as Rosita.

Rosita was breathing heavily. And Blue Diamond help her with a finger. She got up and see her very own pearl looking around. Pink pearl look around and saw her Amulet. She approach her Amulet and bowed.

"I'm at your service My Amulet."

Rosita look at Blue Diamond.

"Ask her something."

"Uhmm Pearl. Make me some dresses to wear and take blue Pearl with you she knows where you can make one." Rosita demanded to her pearl for the very first time.

Her Pearl bowed and left with Blue Pearl.

"Well done Rosita." Blue Diamond clap.

"Thanks but where's my Mom's own pearl. And did i just grow wings?"

"Pink's Pearl disappeared after her shatter. We sent a lot of army to search for her cause she is the only one left of pink. But now we had you. And yes you had wings but don't worry me and the Diamond's will teach you how to use them properly.

And Rosita lay down on her lap and take a nap. Creating a pearl took a lot of her energy.


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