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Kageyama woke up sweating.

The whole mattress was soaked with his sweat. He felt as if he was going to drown in it, and he couldn't breathe. He saw the nurse notice, and her look was full of worry as she moved towards him.

Everything that happened... made him so confused yet scared.

Maybe it was time to admit that it wasn't okay anymore. Ever since that time Iwaizumi comforted him, he thought he was getting better. Maybe one day he'd get over it.

From what had happened, he knew that day wasn't coming any time soon.


"Kageyama..." Hinata's eyes were as wide as volleyball from shock.

Was he too forward? Had Kageyama scared him now? Confessing that he loved him was probably too much to handle.

Was it a mistake?

He regretted all of it now. Why did he let Suga convince him to confess? What did he expect? They had kissed but Hinata never mentioned anything after it, so maybe he never wanted it to happen.

He couldn't look at Hinata anymore. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why? Why did he do it? Nobody would love Kageyama back.


At first, Kageyama didn't even realize that it started raining, as he was close to crying himself. It was as if the weather was reflected his mood.

There was a ringing sound, and Kageyama's vision got blurry.

"Nope.. nope... nope..." He had to control it. He couldn't let his fears control him again. Not again. Looking around desperately for somewhere for shelter, he saw it once again.

An umbrella.

It was light green, with white polka dots. Soon another appeared next to it. This one was red and pink. The owners of the umbrellas were laughing and they seemed to be enjoying each other's company.

Well... no... Kageyama didn't need to feel helpless. His dad wasn't in danger. They weren't ignoring him, he just didn't need... help. There was nothing to the umbrella, it was just a plain, ordinary, umbrella.

Maybe it was going to be okay this time. Hinata was saying something next to him, probably words of comforts but the ringing inside his head prevented him from hearing anything.

Anything, until the sound of tires, screeching. The horrible sound that Kageyama hated. Coming closer and closer. Water splashing from the wheels and the car came into sight.

No... it couldn't be true. It was his imagination for sure. But it sounded so real. It sure felt real as the head-lights blinded him. But there was no way... definitely not.

It was real.

"Hinata!" The driver was on her phone, not giving a damn about anything in front of her. She was speeding, and for a few seconds, time slowed.

Everything was happening in slow motion and Kageyama's mind couldn't work fast enough. The car closed in on Hinata. And he watched Hinata's expression slowly change into horror. And the feeling of helplessness drowned Kageyama again, he couldn't move his stupid feet.

"Dad..." was the last thing Kageyama said before collapsing to the ground.


"Hinata!" He finally remembered what had happened. It was hard to process his thoughts as the adrenaline rushed through his veins, and the nurse talking to him. Where was he? Was he okay? Had he been hit by the car? Was he... dead?

"Kageyama," Hinata called out from the outside of the door, before the nurse opened it. "You're okay!"

Relieved, isn't even a good enough word to describe what Kageyama felt at the moment. He had never been so happy to see the middle blocker.

"What do you mean I'm okay? You're the one who..."

"I got out of the way before it got too close. Those diving drills were really useful," Hinata said. "But you... you fainted, Kageyama. When I looked behind you were on the ground. And I uh, saw you that time, when it rained and Iwaizumi was with you."

Kageyama gulped. "It's a long story."

"Well we're all ready to listen." Dr. Sukodu entered slowly, with some of the Karasuno members behind him.

"Sorry... Tsukki, Takeda-sensei, Asahi, Daichi, Tanaka, and Nishinoya couldn't come for some school reasons," Yamaguchi said, sadly. "I think Tanaka and Nishinoya had to retake a test or something, and the others... I dont know exactly. They really wanted to come though, but y'know... skipping school for Hinata has been..."

Hinata looked up guiltily. "I'm really sorry you guys had to go through so much trouble to visit me at the hospital-"

"C'mon Hinata," Asahi interrupted, with a serious tone. "We had to. It wasn't a choice that we regret at all. You mean a lot to us."

"And we didn't really skip school that much."

"Ahem, er, yes," the doctor said, clearing his throat. "My apologies for interrupting, but I have to ask Kageyama to explain about what the long story is."

And he did. Starting from the beginning, on how his dad inspired him to play volleyball, the rain, the umbrellas, the car. Kageyama realized, as he was explaining, that the fact that Hinata was now part of the new incident probably meant that he was going to experience worse flashbacks.

When he finished, everyone went silent. Moments of silence passed, and no one said anything. Not a word.

Dr. Sukodu finally sighed and spoke up. "Er, I have a few words with the team and your coach. Kageyama, you can get some rest."

"I'm not tired," Kageyama replied bluntly.

"Well I'm saying you probably are. Miyu?" The nurse nodded, understanding, and turned towards Kageyama, while the doctor led the team out in the hall.

"Do you guys know what PTSD is?" the doctor asked in a hushed tone.

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder..." Yamaguchi answered, knowingly. "You think Kageyama has it?"

"I don't think, I know," he replied, looking away. "It's what happens, typically soldiers who've been to war, and people who have suffered from a very... traumatic and terrifying incident or something like that."

"Well... that explains a whole lot more then... I hoped." Coach Ukai said looking away. "So erm, what exactly do we do now? And what exactly do we do know? Were there signs we missed from... all this?"

"Obviously I don't specialize in this kind of thing, but what I can say is that Hinata showed signs of physical pain while Kageyama showed signs of..." Dr. Sukodu said. "Emotional pain."

"Maybe... we were paying to much attention to Hinata and..." Suga faltered, not wanting to finish his sentence.

"Not paying enough attention to Kageyama."

A/N: plot twist? Not really?
Honestly, thank you guys so much for reading ;-; this story has hit 7k and the first chap has hit 1k
Idk if any of my readers could be considered fans of this story because maybe you dont necessarily like this story that much, but ily all anyways :')

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