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Kageyama woke up in a panic, as he heard his alarm go off. 

It wasn't him not expecting the alarm that shocked him, but what the sound was. For the past few years of his life, his alarm had always been the same. Just the default music that came with his alarm clock. 

Yesterday however, he invited Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Yamaguchi over to study, so it was probably Nishinoya who changed his alarm to "SOMEBODY TOUCHA MY SPAGHET" on repeat.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes. He hit snooze and decided to give himself another five minutes.

Bad idea.


Kageyama bolted up again, and quickly dismissed his alarm. 

"Tobio? What is that?" 

His mom came into his room, yawning and still in her pajamas. 

"Uh nothing," Kageyama reassured. "My friends just came over and changed my alarm."

"Alright, where are you going today?"  Kageyama made his way to the washroom.

"I'm going over to Yamaguchi's to hang out."

In his peripheral vision he saw his mom put her hands on her hips.

"...And study?"

She grinned. "Then why aren't you packing your books?"

"Ugh I will.." Kageyama said as he shut the washroom door.

After a moment she sighed. "Tobio, I'm just glad you made friends."


"Don't sound so sarcastic," Kageyama heard her say. "We both know you were quite introverted before. But in a year, you seemed to become closer to your old volleyball friends, and make other friends."

Kageyama poked his head in front of his door. "Mom, shouldn't you be somewhere? It's Sunday, and that's when you usually have your shift."

"It's at twelve today," She hummed. "Okay okay I'll stop bothering you. Have fun today!"

Kageyama yawned as he brushed his teeth lazily. He had terrible bedhead today, and his hair was flying around everywhere. He went back into his room to look for a comb.

As he faltered into his room, he accidentally bumped into his wardrobe.

"Ow..." He whined and rubbed his head. Seconds later the objects he on top of it came crashing down on him as well.

"Shit..." He shoved the box of his chest. 

He stood up and noticed that he was bleeding slightly. He looked at the box for any sharp edges but didn't see one in particular. 

"Huh." He picked up the box and put it back on top. As he picked up the other objects that fell he saw something glistening slightly.

He picked it up and rubbed his eyes, unsure what it was, as it was still really early in the morning.

"Tobio I'm being called in early today!" His mom  called from downstairs, startling him and making him drop the object.

"Okay!" He looked down and suddenly the object was nowhere in sight.

He decided not to think much about it, and picked up the knee pad that had fell and put it back on the wardrobe.

As he exited his house and locked his door to leave however, he couldn't help but feel as if something in him was missing. 

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