Chapter 1 The jail bird likes you.

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The sound of locker doors slamming surrounded me. The cool breeze from the open door behind me had me wishing I was outside in the fresh air. It was Friday and the school week was finally over. I couldn't wait to get out of here but of course, Janie was taking her sweet ass time as usual. I looked over to her locker and there she was leaning against it talking to Todd, the school's star quarterback and most eligable batchlor, batchlor mainley because he wouldnt keep a girl for more then two dates before he quickly moved onto the next. I smiled to myself, hes wanted Janie since freshman year and here she was toying with him again.

Janie was beautiful, not like the usual 17 year old beautiful, but the beautiful you see in movies or magazines. She was perfect, smart, funny, outgoing, basically everything im not. My dull brown hair dosent shine as much as hers, my body isnt nearly as fit and my clothing isnt designer. I'm as pale as a ghost. I'm just plain. Plain old Sadie Haskins. Always have been and always will be.

I looked back at her and watched her walk toward me with a shit eating grin on her face.

"What?" I asked catching her contagious smile. I looked past her at Todd, who watched longingly as she walked away from him yet again, dissapointment written all over his face.

"Nothing." She said with an even bigger smile.

"Oh god, what did you do?" My giggling interrupting my words.

"I told him that if he wanted his "date", she said using air quotations,"then he would have to stop dating everyone in the school until the end of the school year and then maybe we could hang out over the summer." She turned and smiled.

I stopped walking and looked at her. "You know thats not going to happen, hes been with almost everyone in our grade." I said almost because I think im the only one he hasnt made a move on. I know why but Janie says its because I'm her friend, I know better that its because I'm boring. I havent slept with anyone and he knows, everyone does, and obviously hes not looking to have a relationship so he stands clear.

Janie must have seen the look on my face because suddenly she grabed both my arms and made me face her. "Sayds! you are beautiful he just dosent come on to you because he knows you'll tell me, plus you have a boyfriend now so he obviously knows your not interested!" She was right, I do have a boyfriend now, Adam, we had been dating for almost seven months. The thought brought a smile to my face. She smirked. "Ok good back to normal, lets go I want to go to the mall and get something that will make Todd squirm" She said with a devious smile.

"Ugh fine" I agreed following her to her car.

The ride to the mall was, as always in style. Her covertable Lexus was paid for by her parents and was always our main way around. My little 1994 cavalier with the rust stains and creaking noises just didnt compare. I was happy with what I had though, my parents worked hard and tirelessly to give me things and were always home for dinner and coversation, where Janies parents bought her affection. I know she was jealous of the relationship I had with my parents where her's barley knew what grade she was in, but I never brought it up. She parked the car and rushed to get out. I laughed at her excitement while she began yelling at me to hurry up.

"Jesus! Ok I'm coming!" I yelled slipping out of the car and over to where she was. We made our way in and through the mall, stopping at every store and listening to her go on about how her thighs looked in these and how this shirt was too prude. I laughed each time. She looked stunning in everything, my square body would have made everything fall flat. Janie and I had always been like this. Since the second grade when she and her family moved here we were inseperable, and I'm glad because no one else really took a liking to me. Shes been my rock through hard times and my best friend through all the others.

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