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"For god sakes Drake will you please move it along! I can't even tie my shoes and I move faster then you do." I teased as I walked down the hallway of our house. He had made me move in that day he proposed and now its like we never had that fight. Not that we don't occasionally want to wring each others necks but were happy.

"I'm coming!" He yelled from the bathroom. My feet already hurt and I didn't want to have to wait for him anymore. I'm due in two weeks and my son can't get out any sooner. We decided to name him Ian and at this point I was ready to pull him out myself. Drake finally appeared and straightened his tie. "Ready?" He asked, I gave him a flat look. "Right ok."

Tonight was dinner with my parents to go over the wedding plans. We decided to do it in my backyard much to Drake's dismay. He said something about havening money to fly people out but I wouldnt have it. This place was my home and nothing he said would change that.

Drake had set up a private deduction from our account into my parents. I had no idea until I got a call from my mother screaming that there was over a four hundred thousdand dollars in her account one month, turnes out that was happening every month weather my parents liked it or not.

They seemed to have gotton used to it but never stopped being grateful for it. They bought a house a few blocks away from us so they could be close then Ian comes. I told Drake I wanted to get married after the baby comes, he argued about it but I was adiment. I didn't want it to feel like we only got married because of him, plus I wanted to look good in my dress.

"Sadie!" My mom squealed out as I walked in, she acts like we havent seen each other in years every time we meet even though its only been a few days, she's so excited about the baby that im afraid every time she hugs me that she's going to pop him out.

We took our seats with them at the local resturant we used to go to when I was a kid. Drake and I tried hard not to flaunt our money and acted the same as we did before, doing the same things and eating at the same places except for special occasions and the new car he bought me. We acted the same, him being a stubborn asshole and me being a princess. Ok maybe I was a bit touchy lately but I was pregnant what did he want from me?

We ate and laughed as we looked over the wedding plans, after a while Drake and my dad started talking about the football teams and whatnot. My mom and I continued to go over food and vendors when I felt myself get wet between my legs.

I blushed furiously, I had an accident before when I couldn't make it to the bathroom and I cried for hours after about being incotenent and old. Drake had laughed at what I was saying from behind the bathroom door. I sat up slowly trying not to let on what had happened. I looked under the tabe, it was everywhere, but it didn't smell like pee.

"Drake." I whispered to him, he nodded at me and went back to my father. "Drake!" I said a little more forcefully. He leaned over to me with concern in his eyes.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"I think my water just broke." I whispered trying not to make a scene.

"What!" He yelled out, his chair screeching as he stood up. Everyones forks hit their plate as they turned to us. Well there goes that plan. It was almost funny how panicked he was as he paced to the bathroom but stopped then to the front door then stopped. He looked at me pleading for me to tell him what to do.

"Drake, go ask the waiter for a towel." He nodded and ran to the desk and returned with a red rag and helped me up off the chair, my mom took over for him and shoed us to the car telling us that they'll meet us there. As we were walking to the door a sharp pain hit my belly making me double over. Drake helped me out to the car where another one hit, three minutes? Why were they so fast.

"Drake we have to get there quick." I grunted as another one came on. The hospital was twenty minutes away and with how quick my contractions were coming I would never make it. "Call the hospital and tell them were coming and its coming quick." His face was panicked as he dialed the phone. He was basically hyperventilating as he yelled at the person on the other end of the phone. These breathing exercises were doing nothing and soon I was crying and screaming in pain.

"Just hang on Sadie were almost there." He reached his hand over and I squeezed it hard.

We had made it to the hospital with little time to spare. I was barley undressed when Ian was trying to make his apparence but looking at him now it was all worth it. I was exhausted as I tried to keep my eyes open on the picture in front of me, Drake was sitting on the chair next to me holding the sleeping bundle in his arms.

"Sadie go to sleep, Janie and Todd are on their way back you'll want to see them when they get here." He was right, they were coming home early from Jamiaica since Ian decided to make a surprise visit. Drake came over to me with my sleeping son and let me give him a kiss before he leaned down and gave me a kiss of his own.

"You did so good Sadie." I didn't really do much of anything. That boy was coming out weather I liked it or not.

"I love you Drake." I whispered trying to keep his face in my vision but feeling myself drift off.

"I love you too Sadie."

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