Chapter 16 I never loved you

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"No please you don't understand I have to be there!" I tried to argue with the doctor. Yesterday afternoon was hard but with the help of Andrea we got all the facts straightened out before his arraignment today.

"I'm sorry Ms. Haskins but you are not fully healed yet, you shouldn't be walking around." I had only been in here for a day and already it was my prison. I was supposed to be at the courthouse by nine and it was already quarter past eight.

"It's really important, what if my mom came with me?" I flashed m a pleading smile to which he returned with a flat look.

"Well since I had already assumed she would be going my answer is still no. Your head is unpredictable right now and I don't know what the stress of you walking will do." Walking, I could do without walking.

"What if I borrowed a wheelchair? Please I'll sit in the back I'll have my mom bring me there and straight back I promise." I waited with my breath held until he sighed.

"Fine Sadie but I expect you back here within the hour. No walking, no getting to over excited." I nodded furiously before he held his finger up. "Your iv is staying in, we we'll set up a portable one to hook to the back of the chair but no stunts like last time." The bruise was still prominent on hand. I nodded seriously at him.

"Thank you." I said as he left.

Twenty minutes later I was in the back seat of my mothers car picking the skin around my nails. I had never been in a court room before and for this reason it had me jumping out of my skin. I thought about what the doctor said, no getting over excited. I took deep breaths as we pulled up outside.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded and she hopped out and helped me into the chair. I felt stupid knowing I could walk but was making my mother push me around like and invalid. She pulled me into the big room and sat down on the bench next to me.

I looked around, it wasn't like you would see on tv, it was less well lit and the murky air that surrounded me was suffocating. I looked to the judge, she was a older woman, probably late fifties and had short greying hair. She was wearing a maroon cloak and was talking to the case in front of her. Apparently it was a domestic violence case which she sentenced the man to two years in prison and without a second glance at him swung down the gavel.

"Next case!" She yelled out making me gulp. The bailiff stood and began speaking to the court. I watched as Drake came out in a bright orange jumpsuit and shackles. I knew he saw me by the awful look he made as he stood next to Andrea.

"Case number 1024 the people against Drake Sanders, count murder in the first degree."

"How does the defendant plead?" The judge asked.

"Not guilty your honor." He said monotoned.

"Your honor my client was defending his ex girlfriend" Ex, the word stung. "from the victim as he was attacking her outside of the movie theater they were visiting. It was all caught on security camera proving he did not initiate the original attack that he had only stopped another from being committed." The judge looked down at her notes before she gave the prosecutors their turn. I looked around to see a crying Alice and Mrs. Collins a few rows in front of her.

"Your honor the defendant broke his parole by attacking Mr. Collins and then murdering him in cold blood. The defendant had plenty of opportunities to stop but continued even after Ms. Haskins attempted to stop him. The defendant had served thirteen months at Louisville county for the attempted murder of Mr. Greyson who coincidently was the victims father. We request remand as the defendant is a convicted felon and is a flight risk."

I had been watching Mrs. Collins the whole time, it was like she had just figured out who Drake was. He was the one who almost killed Adams father, it was his sister. She looked right at me and I nodded, she let her tears fall silently as Andrea stood back up.

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