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Satoru-kun is a Japanese urban legend about a game that is played for one reason: to find the answer to any question.

If there is a question that someone wants the answer to, apparently Satoru-kun can help. According to the legend, Satoru-kun is an evil spirit/demon that takes the form of a little boy. He is extremely smart and knows the past, present, and future. Because of this knowledge, he is said to be able to answer any question he is asked. All someone has to do is perform a ritual to summon him, and then he will answer to them.

But, reportedly, summoning Satoru-kun is a dangerous thing to do. If a person doesn't follow the rules, the game can turn rather risky.

In order to "contact him", you need a mobile phone, a coin-operated payphone, and some coins to use.

First, you have to insert the money into the payphone and dial your own mobile phone number. Then, you are supposed to repeat this chant on the phone: 

"Satoru-kun, Satoru-kun, please come here. Satoru, Satoru, please show yourself. Satoru, Satoru, please answer me if you are there."

After that, you'll have to hang up the public payphone and turn off your mobile phone. If you did this ritual correctly, you will receive a phone call from Satoru-kun within the next 24 hours. When he calls you the first time, he will tell you where he is located at, then he will hang up right afterward.

He will call you a total of several times throughout the day, and each time he will state where he is now. It will be closer to where you are than where he last was. In other words, within each phone call, he gets closer to you. No matter where you go, his call will always reveal he is near.

The last time he calls, he will say, "I am behind you now."

This is the time to quickly ask your question. He will give you the answer, and then leave you alone right afterward.

There are some rules with this game, just like the other games in this series. First off, you cannot turn around or try to look at him when he says he is behind you. You cannot touch him, and you cannot try to call him if you don't have a question to ask. Finally, when he is right behind you, don't delay the question, and ask it immediately.

It is said that if you break any of these rules during the game, Satoru-kun will drag you into the depths of hell, similar to Aka Manto and The Girl From The Gap. So it would be wise to decide the question you will be asking before the game begins.

There's not a lot of people who have reported their experiences with this game, but the ones that have been reported say that nothing happens, and they're usually just stuck in a payphone standing there awkwardly while chanting. So from the looks of it, this probably has a very tiny chance of being true. So, in general, I'd recommend not going to a phone booth and try to play this game- you'll end up possibly embarrassing yourself.

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