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This legend is about a worst-case scenario that can come from sharing personal information online. The story is supposedly true and happened on Mixi, a Japanese social network that's similar to Facebook. The story goes as follows:

There was a girl named Miko who spent her free time going on an online community. There, she would write posts about her plans for the day, along with unnecessary information of who she was with and where she would be going. One day, she received a friend request from a user named Yoshimuji-San. Miko accepted the request and didn't think of it for the rest of the day.

The next day, she got a message from the user.

Yoshimuji-San: Miko is 21 years old, but she is still not married?

Miko was unnerved out by the personal question but decided to be polite despite the uncomfortable feeling she had. Part of her was certain that this was just some creepy guy on the internet that thought her profile picture was attractive, but she didn't want to be judgemental right away.

Miko: Yeah, I'm a student, so yes... I am single.

Moments after sending the message, Miko got an immediate reply. 

Yoshimuji-San: Do you have a boyfriend? Where do you live? Please tell me your real name.

This message scared Miko, much more than the previous one. However, it also annoyed her that he shot so many ridiculous questions. Though her anger, she sent a cold message in return.

Miko: I'm not answering any of those questions. Don't send me any of these weird messages again or else I'll remove you from my friend's list.

After that, the conversation ended and Miko didn't get a message- that is until ten days passed. She was relaxing in her room when she suddenly received another unsettling message from none other than Yoshimuji-San.

Yoshimuji-San: Please change your profile photo now and remove all of the men from your friend's list. You will be killed if you don't.  

Miko was worried for a second but realized that this might be some sick joke by whoever this person is in order to get attention. However, she knew she wouldn't be fooled by his threats. She decided to not give him the attention he wants, and instead to just remove him from her friend's list. Before she went to remove him, her glance shifted at his most recent update.

"Today- Fireworks Display". He wrote a post about going to a firework display by a river. It was the same exact one Miko went to that day. With nervousness creeping up her spine, she went to the next post.

"Yesterday- Drinking Party". This post was about him going to a party in a bar- the same one Miko always goes to. She went there with her friends on the same day as the post.

"Three Days Ago- The Beach". He mentioned walking on a beach. Miko was there with her friends the same day.

"Four Days Ago- House". He talked about how he lived home alone and spent the whole day reading a novel and doing internet research. It was exactly what Miko did.

"Five Days Ago- Shopping". The post was a detailed description of the food bought at a grocery store nearby his house. It was the exact same food that Miko purchased- even the kilos of rice she bought were the same number he mentioned.

She was mortified that this person was writing down the exact things did. It was as if this stranger was writing her diary for her, marking in all of the key details and emotions she felt. Yet this person was faceless and could do anything they want to her. It was sickening and made her feel as if her stomach was twisting into knots. Her hands were trembling, but she mustered up what courage she had and continued scrolling.

"Six Days Ago- Discovery".  

"I have found the right person this time- the person I am destined to be with. I have located the house as well. Now that I've found you, I will not let go. I will be very close to you."

The feeling of helplessness sunk into her and left her feeling awful. He knew where she lived. He said he would be close to her. All of those things made her feel even more terrified. However, she knew that she couldn't stand idly anymore. She messaged him an erratic message of anger and resentment.

Miko: Stop this right now or else I'm calling the police. I'm dead serious. What are you doing? 

Yoshimuji-San:  I am at your side.

Miko: How did you know where I would be?

Yoshimuji-San: I saw every update you posted... about your plans, about where you were and who you were with.

Miko: Where are you living right now? Are you living near me?

Yoshimuji-San: I live on the 5th floor in a room. Same as you.

Miko: Where are you watching me from?

Yoshimuji-San: The closet.

The origins of this legend are unknown, but it definitely puts a dark spin on sharing too much information online. That being said, it isn't as popular, but it's definitely an interesting tale and can be helpful when trying to convince people to not expose their identity on social media. Well, if you want to scare them, that is.

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